We The People

We The People

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Cross Hairs

By Tammy Derouin

It’s the eve of the 14th anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks.  I’ve just read how a periodical publication gives jihadists guidance in finding their targets. Well-known, wealthy Americans have been put in the cross hairs.  I also read that ISIS is posting ads; humans for sale. They are attempting to sell their prisoners to the highest bidder. What?  You didn’t hear about this in the main stream media? 

War was declared on September 11, 2001.  We didn’t understand their hatred.  But, it has always existed.  The years following the attack were spent in a paranoid state; giving up our freedoms in exchange for safety.  Of course, that never ends well. The government was all too eager to take our freedom in exchange for promises they couldn’t and wouldn’t keep.  

In fact, as time went by we became so paranoid that we began to act stupidly.  We elected and welcomed, quite eagerly I might add, an individual who cared more about the enemy than the people who elected him to his dictatorial throne.  He turned against the people by allowing the enemy to gain access to our homeland.  He ignored the law of the land and took it upon himself to rule with a pen, issuing orders if Congress didn’t dance to the beat of his disastrous drum.  Congress became weak and irrelevant. Those who tried to prevent his power grab became targets of the state.

As I write this, I wonder what will happen tomorrow.  Who will live and who will die?  Who will be blamed this time?  It will never be the fault of policies or Radical Islam.  He will find something or someone to blame because deceit is acceptable when engaging the enemy.  Do you feel the cross hairs?  Either we elected the most incompetent person to lead and protect us, or we elected a wolf in sheep’s clothing.  To determine your answer, look to the actions of this administration.

I was grateful to learn there wasn’t an anniversary attack.  But, we didn’t know what to expect, did we?  That is precisely the reason I wrote this on the eve of the anniversary.  Fear is used to control and this administration has created a lot of fear and uncertainty.   

I grew up in a time when this would have been a non-issue.  We had a leader, we had leadership that actually loved the United States and wanted to destroy or at least limit the reach of our enemy.  An anniversary attack, no way!  They would still be smoldering from the bombs bursting in their air space!
Isn’t it amazing?  Love of country and wanting to protect your home and freedom has become radical thinking.  Think about how this administration has been able to brainwash the American people. In our transformed country, if you want to prevent the enemy from gaining access to our shores and keep them out of our government, you are a radical thinker, an enemy of the state, a target.

If, however, you sympathize with those who openly chant “Death to America” and call for the destruction of Israel, you allow the enemy to infiltrate our free society, change military manuals to benefit the enemy, dismiss their jihadist attacks, bow to their leaders, fund countries who fund terrorists with money provided by the American people so the enemy can build the ultimate killing machine, which will be used against the United States, Israel and anyone who isn’t Islamic, you are a progressive thinking American.  You qualify for the highest office in our government.

America became careless and the enemy gained access.  Our enemy openly states they will destroy us.  What does our leader do?  He funds them and encourages them while he disarms the American people and criticizes us when we call him on the blood stained carpet.

Continuous attempts are being made to destroy us.  There have been numerous attempts to create racial tensions, to cause a divide.  We must not give in to the hate and anger, purposefully being created.  If we do, our journey, our transformation, will be complete.  Evil will become even more powerful.  Everyone will become a target.

Do we want to side with those who burn and drown people in cages with cameras attached so they can watch every moment of their pain and suffering?  Do we want to stand with those who plant bombs, behead people and teach their children to hate and follow the same dark path?  What is the crime of the people they butcher?  They are not Islamic. Isn’t that racism?

What is it going to take; rivers of blood in our own back yard? 

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.”
Ronald Reagan

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