We The People

We The People

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Lady Justice

By Tammy Derouin

When we think about justice being served, one of the first things that come to mind is that a wrong will be corrected and the offender(s), having been held accountable, will face some sort of punishment.

Image result for flickr commons images Lady JusticeJustice is a process. It begins with a violation or an accusation and is followed by legal proceedings. Information is gathered to see if there is enough evidence to move forward with a trial. If the process continues, the evidence is supported and challenged by both sides. Individual testimony, to support or discredit claims, are presented which will hopefully render a clearer picture of the events which took place, or didn't take place.

Justice, in the United States, comes with the benefit of being innocent until proven guilty and that everyone is held to the same standards under the law, regardless of stature. Lady Justice is blindfolded for a reason. Do we still respect and demand fairness?

Justice, as a process, has an end; acquittal or punishment. Everyone will have an opinion as to whether justice was served and if the punishment fit the crime. Understandably, many factors come into play from personal feelings, the facts, as well as the acceptance of the facts. Unfortunately, facts have become less important on the political stage. Many attempts have been made to bury them while creating a different reality to the liking of a political party. This has dangerous consequences for everyone.

At the personal level, everyone wants to be treated fairly. We demand fairness and the legal process to defend ourselves. It is our right. But, as a society, we have begun to accept mob opinion as a form of justice. We have allowed public opinion, pushed by the media, to shape our thoughts and act as judge and jury on the public stage. These are not the principles of the United States.

When the elitists or the unwitting, who become useful players for political gain, are allowed to be held to different standards, by ignoring evidence or suppressing the truth, we create a dangerous situation. Ignoring the justice process is criminal in its own right. Inserting false realities, thereby tampering with the truth, to promote an agenda, and then to not be held accountable, mocks the process of justice. Confidence in the system begins to crumble.

For years, we have watched the press betray the American people by ignoring facts and not reporting the truth. The press, which once held public officials, our elected representation, accountable to the people, folded right before our eyes and become a tool for the Democratic Party and a Left-Wing agenda. Evidence continues to surface. It begs for the process of justice to work through the layers of accumulating evidence against those who served in the Obama administration. But, will it?

We have also watched federal departments and agencies become politicized. They are supposed to be non-partisan. Fairness is difficult to obtain if you are playing favorites for a political party. The IRS scandal is a perfect example and the latest revelations offer more proof of the destructive intent of the previous administration.

When a branch of government over steps its bounds they are supposed to be challenged. If we do not know how our system of government is supposed to work, we will continue to cause harm to ourselves and our nation. A law isn’t a law just because, there is a process, not a decree by the executive or judicial branch. The judicial system is not supposed to re-write a law to make it work if it doesn't work as written. Congress, the representatives of the people, is actually pretty powerful. They make the laws and they hold the purse strings. If, for one reason or another, they are scared to follow proper procedures or they have been corrupted, they become useless to the people they represent and will eventually become obsolete. Allowing any branch of government to be overlooked or not held accountable creates future chaos.

The press is not supposed to be an arm of the government, yet look at the puppet show which has been created by those who once held power and are still trying to pull the strings as they hide in the shadows. Our rights, our accomplishments, our traditions and heritage have been mocked by those on the Left. We, the American people, will be the ones who will suffer a great lose if we do not demand justice be served. The process must take place. Those who are in question, as evidence continues to accumulate, must be held to the same standards under the law.

The reason I like the criminal justice system is there aren't Republican or Democrat victims or police officers or prosecutors. It's about respect for the rule of law!”

Trey Gowdy

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