We The People

We The People

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Spot Light of Corruption

By Tammy Derouin

The past couple of weeks have offered some revealing and long awaited information. From the DNC primary election results, to the Trump dossier, Uranium One and the IRS targeting scandal, we have been flooded with mind-blowing information and this is just what is being revealed right now. Much more is sure to come and many more scandals are waiting in the wings. The level of corruption should serve as a wake-up call to all Americans.

Image result for free clip art Spot LightThe amount of plot-worthy information is much more than even Hollywood requires for an action-packed political thriller. One scandal alone would have provided all the twists and turns, a trail of corruption, and that powerful climatic moment when it becomes undeniable as to where and with whom the evidence is implicating, to create the sensation needed for a box office success. But, don't call Tinsel Town just yet. They too are crumbling under their very own spot light of corruption.

As the scandalous activity continues to unfold, the claim of transparency, made by the Obama administration over the years, has proven to be just as mythical as the unicorn. Layers of muck settled in almost immediately changing the definition of transparency from honest and open to secretive and dark. Ever since then, transparency, with its new definition, has been used to cover up the truth.

The level of corruption is difficult to comprehend, but, not impossible. If you hopped off the main stream media bandwagon a long time ago, there's probably a better understanding, but it's still unsettling. No one wants to believe that this type of negligence could really take place, let alone that it was intentional. There were many indicators over the years with tireless attempts to reveal the truth. The use of distractions and blaming others bought them a little time, but eventually, the truth rises to the surface.

The press gave the Obama administration, and then Hillary, a free pass. The days when the main stream media engaged in hard-core investigative reporting, in search of the truth, were long gone. The MSM had become an extension of the government and the Democratic Party. The truth no longer mattered. Spinning a false reality became the job of the media and entertainment programs became news. Fluff over substance and fairy tales over reality became the new standard.

Is there a better place to create a fantasy, a world to your liking other than Fantasy Land? Hollywood helped to create a stage to promote and push a political agenda through the world of entertainment. The Department of Education began to push a Left-wing political agenda through our children. After all, once you control the children, it's so much easier to control and manipulate the future. More recently the NFL was pulled into the political muck. Now sporting events are becoming political platforms and causing yet another divide among the American people. All of these industries were used to push an agenda and then sell it with a twist. If you didn't buy into their world of make believe, if you didn't accept their ideology, there is something wrong with you. A list of your ailments will gladly be provided.

The American people became the target of an agenda; an agenda to fundamentally transform our country into something it was never meant to be, a large centralized government. Do we want our freedoms to disappear and the government to become our lord and master? The American Revolution shed the shackles for us. Each proceeding generation would make sacrifices for freedom. Diligence is required or enslavement could and would return. Is life truly easier and happier when you are under total government control?

The Left and their propagandist set their cross-hairs on the American people causing chaos and creating a divide. Callousness towards the American people has become more apparent by those who once held power. As the actions and highly questionable intent of the previous administration becomes clearer, the degree to which the citizens and the homeland were made vulnerable is unmistakable. What would be the motive for attempting to cause so much unrest, for dividing our country from within and then making it vulnerable to attack? What could be gained from such treachery?

Experience teaches us that it is much easier to prevent an enemy from posting themselves than it is to dislodge them after they have got possession.”

George Washington

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