We The People

We The People

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

No, Hillary Did Not Win the Popular Vote…And Yes, the Electoral College Did Protect America from Corruption at the Ballot Box – Eagle Rising

No, Hillary Did Not Win the Popular Vote…And Yes, the Electoral College Did Protect America from Corruption at the Ballot Box – Eagle Rising:

"Because the sovereign states created the federal government, they saw to it that the popular vote would not choose the president; indeed, it is the states who get to choose, by means of the Electoral College. The creation of the Electoral College was wise, for it acts, to this day, as a protection against corruption in the American electoral process.

For example, the outright entitlement of illegal-alien voting, along with many states’ lack of a voter-ID laws, encourages non-citizens to vote and allows vote-rigging Democrats to vote more than once under the names of dead people."

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