We The People

We The People

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

The American Way

By Tammy Derouin

“My country tis of thee, sweet land of liberty of thee I sing…”  I remember singing this song when I was in school.  There was actually a time when children were taught about the exceptionalism of the United States.  Patriotic songs were sung, the Pledge of Allegiance was second nature and love of country was never in doubt.  The American way was not for sale nor was it to be compromised.  Outsiders, including our enemies and undocumented, illegal aliens, didn’t dictate what it meant to be American.   

The leaders of this country were once strong, independent, freedom minded individuals.  They didn’t cower or bow to the bullies of the world.  They didn’t pacify or appease our enemies.  Protecting our borders was an understood necessity.  Would any of them go home and leave their doors wide open?   Would they willingly risk the safety and the lives of their family members?

“Land where my fathers died…”  Preserving our freedom, the values and integrity of our nation are worth defending.   Every generation, since the birth of this great nation, has managed to preserve the blessings of liberty and has passed them on to their posterity.  Those who came before us, selflessly sacrificed and in many cases, laid down their lives so that we would be able to live free. 

Once upon a time, the United States would have been called an uncompromising, fearless ally to any friendly nation.  The United States once had the desire and capability of unleashing its power and might against those who sought to enslave or destroy people, simply because they didn’t fit into the elite category, as determined by a tyrannical regime.  The United States, the Americans were the protectors.  A nightmarish furry once awaited those who wronged America and our allies. 

Have the American soldiers and the citizenry, beginning with the revolutionary war, through the Barbary Wars (Islamic Extremist), the Civil War which preserved the union and emancipated those who were enslaved long before the birth of our nation, to modern day wars which expose the most recent tyranny of man; have our forefathers all died in vain?  Are we so self-absorbed that we are unwilling to look at the facts and the transparent signs which lead to such atrocities?   

“Land of the Pilgrim’s pride…”  Man has sought out his own path, his own freedom since the beginning of time.  As a governing entity suffocates and enslaves a people, the more their desires will intensify to claim their individual freedoms.  Man knows he has basic freedoms which no other man or government has the right to infringe upon.  Man has been subjected, throughout history, to the rule of man.  For a brief time, 239 U.S. years, an exceptional nation recognized the rule of law.  But, we are willingly going back in time.  We are running towards darkness with open arms.    

Are we willing to betray the pilgrims and all those who came before us?  Have they too, sacrificed in vain?  Why are you here?  Who made that sacrifice for you?  The resolve to remain free is a continuous battle.  Each generation has sacrificed to preserve the blessings of liberty.  Up until these last few years, I thought it would continue.  One man and the ideals of those in the  minority, have been transforming the greatest nation right out of existence. 

We are capable of living independent and free.  Man does not need to be told what to do, think or say.  In fact, man prospers when his independence isn’t infringed upon.  American history is full of such examples.  Yet, here we are, throwing it all away.  We have been told our God given rights are negative liberties.  Man can do better?   

As a nation, we have become so oblivious to how unique and extraordinarily blessed we are to live in the United States.  We are the rightful owners of our individual freedoms.  We live in the most exceptional nation in the world; a nation whose founding documents clearly state that an individual is an individual and not the property of the state.   

We are turning back the hands of time as we willingly trade our nation of laws for the autocratic rule of man.  Our freedoms and individual rights are disappearing before our eyes.  Fear has cast a shadow over the land of the free.  Are we so unaware of our unique existence that we are willing to cut away our Bill of Rights to spite our Constitution?  “… From every mountain side, let freedom ring.”

“Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.”

The Declaration of Independence

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