We The People

We The People

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Lexington Concord

By Tammy Derouin

I recently purchased a copy of a print depicting the Battle of Lexington.  Lexington Concord was described by Ralph Waldo Emerson as the, “shot heard ‘round the world.”  The long, agonizing war which would take man out of darkness, giving him control of his future and would secure the blessings of liberty for generations to come, was underway.  The American Revolution had begun but The Declaration of Independence had yet to be penned.

The founders knew that signing their names to the Declaration of Independence was a death sentence.  They recognized tyranny, having lived through the listed grievances.  They understood that failure would mean death but victory would mean freedom and independence.  Freedom and liberty was worth risking their lives, fortunes and sacred honor.

The king had an interesting definition of treason.  King George III said, “A traitor is everyone who does not agree with me.”  His statement is a perfect example of a nation of men; one man or ruling party changing the laws. The United States was founded as a nation of laws.  A king writes or dictates the law and decides who will be held accountable and who will be exempt.  A king targets those who oppose his agenda.  A king uses a pen and writes the law, a town crier or a phone to implement the law, and his personal army to enforce his will.

The Constitution clearly states the definition of treason.  Article III Section. 3. “Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.  No person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witness to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.  The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.”  The law of the land, the Constitution, is to be followed regardless of the man in power.  What an exceptionally brilliant idea!

The United States has been a nation of laws but we have forgotten our own history.  We have allowed a man, who was elected to be our president, to become our king.  Take a few moments and read the stated grievances in the Declaration of Independence.   It’s truly unbelievable; the mirrored abuse is jaw dropping. 

Last week the student government at the University of California, Irvine voted on removing the American flag from an “inclusive space” on the campus.  Before I could read any further, I already knew the outcome of the vote.  I hesitated to continue, as if holding my breath was going to change the outcome.  We’ve lost at least one generation.  Our young people haven’t been taught, so they are easily deceived.  They voted for removal as it applied to all flags of several nations but there was notable disdain directed at the American Flag.

The students state that the, “American flag has been flown in instances of colonialism and imperialism.”  The students argue that the American flag can suggest “American exceptionalism and superiority.”  The student government goes on to attack the Bill of Rights by attacking free speech stating, “freedom of speech, in a place that aims to be as inclusive as possible can be interpreted as hate speech.”

Over the years, the true meaning of exceptionalism, when referring to the United States, has been distorted and tainted by those with an anti-American agenda. The current Pres-a-king has implied that Americans have a superiority complex.  I’ve yelled at the TV when I’ve heard him and others make such remarks.

The citizens of the United States are exceptional because we are free!  Historically and presently, most people live under excessive government rule to absolute tyranny.  The United States has been the EXCEPTION to the rule! 

So in addition to attacking the symbol of our freedom, the students are attacking our God given rights as stated in the Bill of Rights and protected by the Constitution.  If this is the result of the kind of education our government is pushing, no wonder the current powers that be want every single person to continue their so called higher, indoctrination, at the expense of the taxpayers. 

So many have died to secure our freedoms and so many do not have a clue and therefore are easily deceived.  What sacrifices are you willing to make to remain free?

“And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”

The Declaration of Independence

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