We The People

We The People

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Trail of Deceit

By Tammy Derouin

The downright nastiness which has infected our country, over the past decade, is difficult to comprehend. But then again, we had an administration which targeted the political opposition and weaponized government departments to further its agenda. When they failed to retain control, when their attempts to continue their trail of deceit failed, they had to double down. The lack of civility towards those who do not fall in lock step with the liberal agenda of enslavement is extremely disturbing and very dangerous.

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The Left uses hatred as a weapon to promote their political agenda. I'd say it's unbelievable but in today's world, certain behavior has become common, acceptable, and quite sadly, expected. Liberals can spew vulgar remarks and make outlandish statements regarding the safety and well-being of others, or any other kind of distasteful comments with little to no concern about consequences. Heck, you stand a good chance of being rewarded and cheered on by other like-minded individuals for participating in such wretched behavior.

Gone are the days when true shame would follow such irresponsible outbursts. Sometimes it makes me wonder just how many of these tirades are planned. I don't care if people are on opposite sides of an issue. Calling or hoping for harm to come to individuals or to nudge others to join in on attempts to invade the personal lives of those with whom they disagree, and their children, is beyond irresponsible. It's downright evil. Any apology just comes across as empty words, as if it's part of the stunt. What's in an apology these days anyway? It seems more scripted than heartfelt. It brings attention right back to the deed and it gives the offending individual even more publicity. If they decide to take back the apology they can get a few more miles out of their cause by prompting the audience to applaud.

Hollywood types who hunger for the spot light seem to have found a way to keep their names alive as they try to claim just a little more fame, or maybe it's notoriety. They are jumping on the left-wing political bandwagon. I wonder if they really understand the script. Do they understand the harm they are causing to our freedom? Maybe they think that their new found activism will somehow reignite their career.

The Hollywood elites and their has-been communities, nonetheless, are still located in the land of make believe. They are hired entertainers, paid to entertain. I'm not sure if they understand where the fake studio ends and reality begins. Most of their movies and shows are disappointing disaster. Their attempts to remain relevant only make them look desperate and ignorant.

Unfortunately, their new found role is also very dangerous. It is harmful to our free society. I do not, however, want them to be silenced. Unlike many on the Left who wish to silence those who do not think and believe as they do, freedom of speech and the right to live as you believe is a God-given right. When individuals call for harm and destructive deeds, such individuals must be investigated and held accountable.

We know such vicious behavior toward Obama or anyone in his family and administration would not have been tolerated. There would have been an outcry and such behavior would have been investigated, as it should, because no one is supposed to be above the law. We also know that attempting to silence anyone on the Left would have been turned into a federal crime. If we believe in equal justice, shouldn't the same be true regardless of who holds office?

I came across an article this past week which is extremely concerning. The ACLU is apparently still claiming to defend freedom of speech, but has added that it will only commit to defend speech if the views expressed align with the values and goals of the ACLU. Now isn't that interesting and scary? Do we want to be a free society? Or, would we prefer to be told what we should believe and how we should think, speak and act?

Dictators and oppressive governments only support free speech if the speech is in their favor. Do we value differing opinions and the right to express free thought? If not, we do not value freedom of speech. We are entering a very dangerous time. When it becomes acceptable to attack and restrict the rights of others simply because they do not hold the same belief, we are no longer the land of the free.

But a Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty, once lost, is lost forever.”
John Adams

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