We The People

We The People

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Play Book

By Tammy Derouin

The U.S. Constitution is our guide, our play book. It must be followed in order to maintain our freedom and prevent tyranny from taking hold. Rules and laws are in place to maintain order and to create a certain level of civility. Without them, life would be chaotic.

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Can you imagine what it would be like if individuals were not being held accountable and possibly getting away with crimes, right before your eyes? In the United States, everyone is supposed to be treated equally under the law. Political affiliation, an individual's last name or former job title isn't supposed to make a difference. If it did, we would no longer have equal justice under the law.

Rules exist in every segment of our life. The world of sports is a good example. Each sport has a standard set of rules; a play book. If an official decides to not enforce the rules equally or if favoritism becomes acceptable, problems will arise. In order to maintain a fair playing field for all players, rules must be enforced equally. The fans would not accept a crooked game. Most sports enthusiast know the rules and aren't afraid to call out an official who may have made an improper call. The call may be reviewed or checked by other officials. Once a determination has been made and rewards and consequences have been determined, the game continues. Can you imagine what would happen if the officials openly dismissed certain rules and weren't held accountable for their actions? What would happen if it were discovered that officials had a side interest in the outcome of the games? What if the games were rigged to benefit the interests of the officials?

Shouldn't we hold our elected officials to the same standards? After all, the U.S. Constitution is the law of the land. Wouldn't it be nice if all Americans were familiar with the Constitution? If we do not know the rules and laws which govern our nation, how do we hold our elected officials accountable?

When individuals are not held accountable for their actions or their actions are swept under the rug, preventing a proper investigation, our system becomes corrupt and will eventually collapse. When we allow political elitist to live above the law and our government departments become weapons against the opposition, we have allowed tyranny to enter our system of government. When our once free press has become a political propaganda machine for one party, we must seek the truth on our own. If we do not search for the truth and blindly accept and follow what has become the state approved news, we will descend into darkness.

While watching an old television series the other day, I heard someone say, “It doesn't matter. He still has to pay for his crimes.” That struck me because in this upside down world in which we now live, crime or simply the desire to investigate a possible crime is a difficult mission to accomplish. This is especially true with individuals who once held power or those who hold a special position but do not appear to be accountable to anyone. The message it sends is that certain individuals are indeed above the law.

The powers that once were, have a hypnotic hold on so many Americans. Much of this, I feel, is due to the seizure of the press. Main stream media can no longer be trusted to deliver the truth. Their new found purpose is to push a Left wing political agenda which is being feed to them. Truth is not important. If information doesn't fit their agenda it is overlooked or dismissed. Justice is non-existent in a corrupt system which has been weaponized to promote a party line and destroy those who stand in their way. Accepting what the main stream media dishes out, without checking them and holding them accountable, is dangerous to our future and to our freedom.

Thankfully, the truth is still important to many Americans. Many still ask questions and search for answers on their own. The truth is out there and it will come to light. Without truth, justice cannot be served. Without equal justice under the law, the rule of man replaces the rule of law. Tyranny will then take hold and we will descend into darkness. We will have given up our freedom, which so many fought and died to acquire and preserve. Do we still value truth and justice? It was once the American way.

“It is the religion of ignorance that tyranny begins.”
Benjamin Franklin

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