We The People

We The People

Sunday, June 24, 2018

It's hard to believe that the FBI's political bias wasn't working against Trump - Washington Times

It's hard to believe that the FBI's political bias wasn't working against Trump - Washington Times:

Image result for flickr commons images washington dcAmong the things people hate about Washington is that no matter how many higher-ups are alleged to have broken laws and violated ethics codes, few are held accountable. The fix was in on Hillary Clinton even before she was interviewed with two of her lawyers present, which the IG report says violated accepted practices.
Mr. Horowitz and Mr. Wray are now testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee. While Democrats will categorize the IG report as nothing, Republicans must burrow in and get even more facts than the disturbing, even disgusting ones he has already uncovered. The Justice Department should then hold accountable those people who broke the law and the rules.

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