We The People

We The People

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Subjects of the State

By Tammy Derouin

The Supreme Court's ruling this past week, to uphold the rights of an individual was a victory for all Americans. The Court upheld that an individual, in this case a baker, could not be forced to produce a product which would compromise his personal beliefs. The outcome, based on our freedoms as stated in the Constitution, was expected. However, in recent years, our nation has taken a turn toward the injustice of social justice, so there was reason for concern.
Image result for flickr commons images U.S. Supreme Court

If we are to remain free, individuals must maintain their personal rights and freedoms. To force an individual to do something against their core values and beliefs is not freedom. Forcing someone to comply out of fear of consequences or punishing those who refuse to comply, is tyranny. Are we individuals who value freedom or are we going to allow ourselves to become subjects of the State? Do we believe in freedom and liberty or enslavement and tyranny?

In this particular case, and I would guess in most cases, service was not denied. The baker did not refuse service. He refused to decorate a cake in a way which would go against his personal beliefs. He did not say he would not sell the individuals a cake. There is a difference.

Imagine, if you would, being forced to go against your own personal beliefs. Those on the Left should be able to understand that this is about protecting our individual rights and not allowing them to be trampled by a political agenda. Let's flip flop the situation. If a liberal baker, T-shirt designer, sign company, etc. (you get the idea) was approached about designing Pro-Life, Pro-NRA, Pro-Capitalism, Pro-Border Security and the ideals of conservatives, would you support their right to not comply? How would you feel about the government forcing them to go against their beliefs? That is exactly why this is not a Gay Rights issue. This is an issue about individual rights; our First Amendment right.

As Americans, we have the right to speak, believe and live as we choose as long as it doesn't infringe on the rights of others. If I do not like the message that someone is pushing, it is my right to tune it out. I do not have to read their books or papers, attend their events, listen to the music or watch the movies that they produce. I do not have the right to shut others down, nor would I want to, and prevent others from hearing their message. When individuals attempt to shut people down, they are infringing on the rights of fellow Americans.

When a political movement makes every attempt to shut down those who do not believe as they believe, red flags should be flying everywhere. Those attempting to shut an opposing side down, do not value freedom. This is very important; they do not value freedom or your individual rights. If they truly believe in their convictions, why are they afraid of an opposing opinion? This is precisely why freedom of speech is so important. Everyone has a right to their beliefs. Nobody has the right to impose their belief or infringe upon the rights and beliefs of others.

Another benefit of our free society is capitalism. Capitalism provides opportunity. If one company chooses to not offer a particular service, opportunity is available for someone else to provide that service. The American people have the right to choose which company or business they will support. We make these decisions all the time. We base our decision not only on the type of service we are looking for but on recommendations involving quality of work or product and the customer service they provide. We have the right to be a patron, or not, of any company if their company principles do not line up with our own. Isn't that a wonderful freedom? In our free society, everyone has rights. When it becomes acceptable to force our beliefs on others, tyranny takes hold.

If we truly value our freedoms and wish to remain free, the government does not have the right to force you to betray yourself or your principles. Our Constitution is a document of liberty. It restricts the government from forcing its will on the people. This week's ruling was a victory for the preservation of individual freedom.

It is extremely dangerous to stifle any speech. The American people need to hear all sides so that they are able to make their own decisions. And that's the problem; the Left doesn't want you to think for yourself.

A Bill of Rights is what the people are entitled to against every government, and what no just government should refuse, or rest on inference.”
Thomas Jefferson

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