We The People

We The People

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

April 4, 2018

Revolutionary Changes

By Tammy Derouin

Sometimes it can be difficult to notice changes in our circumstances or our surroundings, especially if they occur slowly and over time. Sometimes it takes removing ourselves from the situation to see the difference. If we live in an area for a long time we understand and are aware of changes. To someone who has moved away and comes back, the changes may seem more monumental. By living in the location and watching the changes take place, day by day, we adapt and accept our evolving surroundings.

Image result for library of congress  Signing of the Declaration of Independence
Changes can be both good and bad. The key is identifying the difference between the two. What may seem harmless at the time could be the beginning of a disaster. It's sort of like getting a minor cut. You know if you don't take care of it, clean it and wrap it, it could become infected and turn into something much worse. We all ignore the little things from time to time. When we look back, we realize how much easier life would have been had we just addressed it and moved on. It's those little reminders which have a way of keeping us in check.

Unfortunately, there has been a big push, over the past too many years, to alter what we know is right. Those who have an agenda to completely alter the American way of life and the foundation of our beliefs have tried to slip many unhealthy changes into our society. They want to alter how we think, hoping it will change how we believe and act.

New ideas can be the start of revolutionary changes. New ideas or concepts should be debated. Facts need to be presented and understood as facts for a healthy debate. Make believe and false information to push an agenda hurts everyone in the long run. What has been most concerning over our most recent history is that those pushing new ideas or sometimes old ideas, which in many cases will cause more harm to our society than good, have their weapons already drawn and pointed right at the opposition if you do not agree with their ideology.

Militant behavior by those on the Left, including denying the rights of others, has become acceptable behavior toward those who do not agree with their agenda. The anger, hostility and sheer hatred for those who oppose them continues to escalate and is endorsed by Hollywood. The biased liberal agenda fills the airways through television, movies and music.

I was doing a search for historical events and was reminded that March 30, 1981, was the day there was an assassination attempt on President Reagan. I clearly remember the networks covering this tragic event. I also have no recollection of anything other than somberness and concern for the president and his family. In our current state of depravity, I don't think that would be the case today. I fear the opposite would be quite true. Instead of sadness, there would be celebration or even worse, some individuals would be vocally upset if the president did not perish. What has happened to our nation?

We have removed God from our society and replaced Him with the opposite of good and have begun to endorse evil. The call for death from unborn babies to those with whom we do not agree with, is more proof of the lack of morals or civility in our society. Encouraging abortion is horrible enough but now some judge has decided that illegal alien women have a right to an American funded abortion? What have we become that we cheer for death and side with individuals who are here illegally?

Just as many things change in our society, some very unsettling facts remain the same. I also found that on March 30, 1492, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella signed a decree expelling all Jews from Spain. We have seen this time and time again throughout history. The Jewish people become the target; they are blamed for the problems of the world. The United States has once again recognized Israel as our ally. Other than the exception of eight dark years, Israel has always been our ally. Thankfully, changes have been made to correct the mistakes of the past administration.

Change can be both good and bad. Just because something feels right or you are told it is the right thing to do, doesn't mean it is good for you. Remember the frog in the pot of water? I'm sure he felt comfy and cozy as the water slowly warmed up. The only problem was, he was so focused on how good it felt that he didn't realize he was being cooked, then it was too late.

“Neither the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws will secure the liberty and happiness of a people whose manners are universally corrupt.”

Samuel Adams

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