We The People

We The People

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Whether He Wins or Loses Today, Ted Cruz Needs to Stay in Till June 7 | The Resurgent

Whether He Wins or Loses Today, Ted Cruz Needs to Stay in Till June 7 | The Resurgent:

"A lot of reporters have already written Ted Cruz’s campaign obituary. Yesterday, my phone buzzed repeatedly with reporters wanting comment on stories they were already writing about where Cruz and #NeverTrump go after Trump wins Indiana. The polling in Indiana is notoriously unreliable, but all the polls do point to a Trump lead.

If Cruz pulls out a win in Indiana tonight, it will be a real upset changing the narrative. If Cruz loses, his ability to stop Trump from 1,237 delegates shrinks to possible, but highly improbable. Regardless, Cruz should stay in the race."

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