We The People

We The People

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

May 4, 2016

Leftists Theater

By Tammy Derouin

Did you ever, in your wildest dreams, think you would live during a time when the whole world would be turned upside down?  Today’s reality is something straight out of a Hollywood nightmare.  The stage has been set and the plot has been established.  The lights and cameras have been carefully placed to capture every choreographed attempt to cause chaos.  Sometimes the director himself tosses the match, setting the stage for the next scene.  You can almost hear him call, action!

Once the smoke clears his hired stage hands rush in to clean up the mess.  They attempt to smooth things over and then look to blame the entire flop on everyone except themselves and their miserable script.  The audience is in a daze yet some still manage to applaud and beg for more.  The all too familiar and now predictable “recovery act” goes into full swing.  We know it as the 3 D Act; a full blown action plan to Deceive by Denying and Disguising the truth.
Each attempt to bring about chaos which doesn’t end with the desired results of uncontrollable civil unrest is a disappointment to the Left.  The Leftists Theater has been producing many programs with numerous acts.  Each act is being used as a lightning rod to produce and encourage disorder.

One effective way to cause unrest is to toss out the rules and laws.  When the government decides which laws to follow and which laws to dismiss, problems are sure to follow.  Of course, this is all done by design.

Encouraging illegal immigration is one way to cause unrest.  Rules and laws are in place for a very good reason; to protect the citizens and our homeland.  The government encourages illegal entry and then hands over every entitlement available to the lawbreakers.  Meanwhile, the government discourages or downright prevents border security.  This act alone allows enemy infiltration into our country. 

There have been numerous attempts to racially divide the nation.  The Executive has made comments which make me question his motives.  He seems to enjoy being the instigator as he turns nothing into sparks and then sparks into flames.  He and his minions are relentless as they fan the flames to divide our nation.  Villains have been turned into heroes and heroes have been turned into villains. 

Many successful attempts have been made to target the American police officer.  A crisis has been created where a crisis didn’t exist.  This irresponsible and inexcusable act has resulted in the death of several police officers.   

The latest attempt to encourage conflict is the transgender issue. Creating problems where problems didn’t exist has become a predictable act for the Left.  They seem to want turmoil.  What better way to create a crisis than to allow men into the women’s restroom.  Right has become wrong and wrong is slowly becoming right.  Anyone who disagrees with their outrageous thinking is automatically labeled a villain and has some type of phobia. 

The highly anticipated, and let’s not forget enthusiastically applauded, production of the greatest heist ever perpetrated, the theft of our country, continues to play out in the lives of millions of American citizens everyday across the country.  Whether you bought a ticket for this particular production or tried to avoid it completely, because you knew there would be a disastrous outcome, you now have a seat, front row, center, to the most tragic show on earth; the self-destruction of the United States of America. All tickets were provided, free of charge, by the Bureau of the Redistribution.  

This well thought out production of The Fundamental Transformation of America has been touring for far too many years.  We had a chance to end the nightmare but opted to continue the disastrous tour.  Now, just when you think the tour could be coming to an end, look who we have waiting on stage left, Mr. Socialist and Mrs. Many Scandals. 

Stage right has two options.  There’s a hot-headed, unpredictable individual who has supported many politicians on the Left.  He treats women and those who oppose him, disrespectfully.  He cries and whines when he doesn’t win and he doesn’t really offer much beyond a few common sense ideas. We need to make America great again but, if we simply vote for Mr. Trump out of anger, we will suffer great consequences. 

Ted Cruz stands for limited government which is why he will fight to repeal Obamacare, Common Core and to end the illegal and unconstitutional executive amnesty.  He defends life and liberty by fighting to defend our rights as listed in the Bill of Rights and protected by our Constitution. 

“The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government – lest it come to dominate our lives and interests.”

Patrick Henry

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