We The People

We The People

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

May 11, 2016

National Suicide

By Tammy Derouin

Freedom is indeed dying and the fundamental transformation of America continues.  The latest blow however, did not come directly from the Democratic Party, the Progressive Left or Socialist loving, crybaby college kids.  No, this time it came from within the party; Republicans who are rightfully angry.  I’m afraid the anger, although understood, will cause more harm than good.

The GOP is only as strong as the people we elect and it’s falling apart.  The GOP has been unable to fully stop the Executive and in some cases they seem to help push the agenda of the Left.  This has created much anger among conservative Americans.  The result of so much anger has divided and all but destroyed the party.  If it should survive, it will probably be in name only, a shadow of its former self.  This is just one more casualty due to the fundamental transformation of America.

The Left will cheer because they feel conservative Republicans are to blame for all that is wrong in our country. They are in for a very rude awakening.  Cheering for one party, because there will no longer be obstacles, will serve as yet another nail in the coffin being constructed for the United States of America.

What would have happened if there wouldn't have been any road blocks?  We lost a lot of ground but Republicans did manage to slow down a want-to-be-dictator.  Of course, most wanted to stop him in his tracks, not just slow him down.  This has caused much unrest within the party and may have given the Democratic Party the perfect storm to continue its destructive agenda.   

What does history tell us about nations that have adopted a one party political system of government?  It's not pretty.  In fact, it is quite the opposite.  Thanks to our self-destruct mode, we are much closer to discovering the true reality of what an enslaved nation really means.  We are committing national suicide.

Our freedom has been dying for many years.  It took another devastating blow last week.  The life line was within reach and we opted to dismiss it. We pushed away the assistance of an individual who has proven that he will fight for the values and survival of our country.  We would rather float aimlessly in the dark, cold water waiting and hoping that somehow a luxury liner will rescue us. 

The boat we were offered was going to require a lot of hard work. It wasn't going to be easy but our country is worth the effort.  There's no such thing as a quick fix.  Is bobbing around in the water, causing a feeding frenzy for the sharks the answer?  The luxury liner, which many have bet our survival on, has a history of feeding the sharks. As the liner approaches, so do the sharks.  There will be casualties.  Unfortunately, I think things are going to have to get a lot worse before they get better.

American history shows the progression of the freedom-killing progressive movement. It dates back well over a hundred years.  We have managed to bounce back or at least not self-destruct when anti-American choices were embraced in the past.  

Our freedom really began to die with the inauguration of our current Executive.   We have been on the fast track to hell ever since.  He followed through on his campaign promises.  We applauded away our freedom and begged for another term!  And we wonder why we are in such dire straits.  Is it any wonder conservative Americans are upset?

We are simply reaping what we’ve sown.  We got lost when we stopped paying attention and have been struggling to find the correct path.  The end result is anger.  Our anger enabled an individual who isn’t very well equipped for the job, to scream, yell and insult his way to the top. He makes a few good points and says some things we want to hear, but beyond that, it’s a scary predicament.  I wish there was something in the history books which could help us out here.

We, the people, have suffered a huge loss.  This is so much greater than a candidate of choice not advancing.  This is way beyond licking our wounds and rallying behind the victor.  Our country lost.  We’ve lost our way.  Because we let our anger take over, we are left with the sharks and the shark keeper, each one feeding off the other.  Where does that leave us, the U.S.?

“Let us be sure that those who come after will say of us in our time that in our time we did everything that could be done.  We finished the race; we kept them free; we kept the faith.”

Ronald Reagan

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