The Solid Case Against Grover Norquist | Glenn Beck:
"Why Recall Grover Norquist?
While Mr. Norquist’s efforts on trying to reduce taxes are admirable, his co-founding of the Islamic Free Market Institute and its connections to highly suspect individuals are puzzling at best, very dangerous at worst.
Mr. Norquist has well-documented associations with radical Islamists, including Abdurahman Alamoudi who is serving a 23-year prison term on terrorism charges. Mr. Norquist’s Islamic Institute received two $10,000 contributions in 1999 drawn from the personal bank account of Alamoudi. But that’s only scratching the surface of Mr. Norquist’s connections to radical Islam.
The Center for Security Policy laid out a
101-page document that explicitly details Mr. Norquist’s history with Islamists directly connected to the Muslim Brotherhood."
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