Striking A Match
By Tammy Derouin
The level to which our country has sunk is appalling. We embrace hate, death and deceit. Those who break the laws, disregard rules,
assist those who want to destroy us and spend more time lying than breathing,
are elevated to higher positions in our government. The people they deceive are the very people
who reward them. Many have allowed themselves to be conned into
believing that wrong is now right. How
else do you explain such backwards behavior?
Hate, racism and phobias of all types imaginable are being
created to cause chaos. Using the phrase
“political correctness” is a default excuse.
It’s used by our enemies, both foreign and domestic, to gain control of
a once independent thinking people.
What kind of society have we become? We have allowed one person, one
administration, to put us on a suicidal path. People are beginning to following
the example of the administration by acting on their own to promote unrest. Maybe this is some kind of extension of the
lone wolf syndrome. Many Americans have bought into the hate propaganda being
flung around by the administration.
Are these individuals looking for approval? Do they think destructive behavior and
conduct will win them an audience with their puppet master? Well, maybe it does. The executive was way too eager to invite the
kid who built a clock resembling a bomb, realistic or not, to meet him. What kind of message does that send? I think most Americans were probably shocked,
especially, if they knew more about the story.
Our enemies, I’m sure, received a different message.
There no longer seems to be a standard of normal or
acceptable behavior in our society. Our military
and police are openly vilified. They put
their lives on the line every single day to protect and secure our safety. Yet, oblivious, ignorant individuals openly
disrespect the very people they will call upon in a time of crisis.
Our society has begun to embrace a disturbing kind of
darkness. Death, such as murder and
genocide, as well as oppression of individuals or groups for various reasons,
no longer seems to grab the attention of the world, particularly when it
involves Christians, the West and the most innocent among us.
Women have begun to brag about having an abortion. Negotiating financial terms for aborted human
remains is shocking and wrong. Our
society, however, has slowly begun to side with the criminal rather than the
lawful aspect. Whistleblowers become the
target while the potential criminals are ignored.
There’s an eagerness among liberals to welcome undocumented
individuals into our country at an alarming rate. The areas of the world these so called
refugees are coming from embrace a very dark, barbaric and oppressive religion
or way of life. Their ideology is
abusive and deadly to women, children, homosexuals and anyone who doesn’t agree
with them. Why would our government want
to import such an anti-freedom, anti-American ideology?
Law abiding Americans are treated like criminals, harassed
by the IRS, the TSA and many other departments within the government. We are losing our voice, the freedoms which
made us an exceptional nation. Our
enemies do not hide their desire to destroy us.
Why does our government sympathize and offer aid to those who call for
our destruction?
I try to be optimistic.
I feel most Americans are in the silent majority, but why? Do they truly not know what is happening
around them? If they only watch the main
stream puppet media, I guess that could be a probable reason. I fear, by the time they realize just how bad
our situation really is, it will be too late. Ignoring the truth will have grave
consequences for every single American.
Silence will destroy us.
If you do not stand against evil, you stand with evil. Our freedoms are
also supposed to protect us from a vindictive government. We have freedom of speech, the right to
assemble and many more rights to make our voices heard. The list is still readily available in the
U.S. Constitution. Take a few moments to
read it. You will be amazed how much we
have allowed ourselves to be misled.
What is freedom worth to you?
“The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to
restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the
government – lest it come to dominate our lives and interests.”
Patrick Henry
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