We The People

We The People

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Ted Cruz Denounces Loretta Lynch - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Ted Cruz Denounces Loretta Lynch - The Rush Limbaugh Show:

"CRUZ:  Loretta Lynch told a gathering the day after the San Bernardino attack that her department would move to prosecute anyone whose, quote, "anti-Muslim rhetoric," quote, "edged towards violence."  The day after a terror attack, 14 innocent lives snuffed away.  As has been the case all too often in the Obama administration, we may be facing once again the weaponization of one of our own government agencies, deployed not to protect Americans, but to force them to submit to the Obama administration's code of what is and is not acceptable speech.

RUSH:  Heck, I'd go even farther than that."

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