Enter The Enemy
By Tammy Derouin
Despite the endless attempts to destroy the American spirit
and the homeland for that matter, I believe there is still something very special
about being an American. Most people
still have an understanding of the value of our exceptionalism. But, as a nation, we have lost our way. Our compass has been badly damaged and we
struggle to find the right path.
There was a time when we cherished our history and heritage
so much that we educated our posterity on the meaning of being an American. We
even celebrated our exceptionalism by proudly displaying the symbols and colors
of our United States. We defended our rights and freedoms and
fought those who tried to harm us.
How did we allow ourselves to be convinced, by our enemies,
that our symbols of freedom are offensive?
Why do we care what they think?
How does our history, our heritage, become so provocative that if our
history is taught, it is now distorted and twisted to align with a political
agenda? Why have we allowed the enemies
of freedom, both foreign and domestic, to actively destroy our country? Whether the enemy aggressively states they
will destroy us from a faraway land or whether they stand behind podiums,
within the United States, destroying us in a passive/aggressive manner, we have
allowed ourselves to be deceived. We
have allowed ourselves to be persuaded by the enemy to walk right into their
The American spirit hasn’t died; it lives inside each one of
us. It’s why we get all fired up when we
are betrayed or mislead. We have allowed
our enemies to con us into thinking that our common sense has become offensive
and racist. Why do we lose all common
sense when it comes to our homeland?
We have also allowed our enemies to challenge and change our
customs and traditions. We, as
Americans, have rights, which are clearly stated in our Constitution. It is offensive to me when foreigners, and
especially illegal aliens, cross our border and demand the American dream. The
American dream is not living on entitlements provided by actual Americans who
are working for their American dream.
It is extremely offensive to me that our government
carelessly allows anyone to cross our border without background checks, knowing
full well our enemies are entering our homeland. Thanks to this administration, we are now
attacked on American soil. After we are attacked, this administration threatens
our first amendment right! Apparently, they
want us to be sensitive to the enemy, the ones trying to destroy us. They care about the enemy and despise the
American people. Isn’t it transparent?
The American people are not making blanket threats against
any group, not even those who commit terrorist attacks against us. We do have a right to defend ourselves and we
do have a right to voice our concern.
The real concern should be why is our government doing everything it can
to disarm law abiding Americans and why are they threatening our freedom of
Has it not become perfectly clear? Isn’t this supposed to be the most transparent
administration in our history? This
administration, our government has turned on the American people. Not that long ago I asked if we actually must
have blood in our streets before more people wake up?
As long as we continue to refuse to learn from history and
we ignore what is happening in Europe by allowing the same stupidity to run rampant
in our government, the question is no longer must we have blood in our streets.
The question is how much blood will it take before we realize the enemy is in
The enemy is here and the door was held wide open by the
administration. This administration
continues to protect and defend those who wish to destroy us while lecturing
the American people on tolerance. The
enemy has no tolerance for those who are not exactly like them, to the point
they will kill you simply for being different. Our government sides with intolerance
against Americans but demands we tolerate those who wish to destroy us. Common sense is not politically correct.
Do you ever wonder what questions will be asked of you, by
your posterity? How will you answer,
didn’t you see what was happening? Or
perhaps, what did you do to protect freedom?
“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the
bloodstream. It must be fought for,
protected, and handed on for them to do the same.”
Ronald Reagan
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