We The People

We The People

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Charles Krauthammer Slams Obama as ‘Clueless’ in the Wake of the San Bernardino Attack | Video | TheBlaze.com

Charles Krauthammer Slams Obama as ‘Clueless’ in the Wake of the San Bernardino Attack | Video | TheBlaze.com:

“And when you feel leaderless, when you have the White House an hour before the FBI says it’s terrorism, still refusing to call it terrorism, when you have the president saying ISIS is contained, ISIS is not gaining strength and his own head of the Joints Chief of Staff says in testimony a few weeks ago, ISIS is growing, it’s not contained, when you have every single indication of the highest authorities in the land, downplaying the threat at every turn, starting from the JV team until right now, then you have the sense that this is not an administration to whom you can entrust your safety and the safety of your children,” he continued."

Not clueless.

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