We The People

We The People

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

January 28, 2014

The most incredible show of all time is taking place right now in the United States Congress.  To watch in real time, such a hoax, as the one taking place by those we voted into office is shameful.  We have not paid attention and the result is the Puppet Master in Chief and his Congressional Minions.

Congress applauds and America slips away.

Our president is getting away with outrageous lies.  Our press will not question him.  Nobody will hold him accountable. 

Obama smiles while addressing the nation because he knows that his lies are being accepted.  If we don't call him on his anti-American actions and for not upholding the Constitution, we no longer will be the land of the free.  It's slipping away, one executive order and one phone call at a time.

When will we say enough is enough?  I'm afraid it will be too late by the time enough Americans rub the sleep out of their eyes.

Glenn Beck is right, it is a Circus in that chamber.

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