We The People

We The People

Friday, May 10, 2024

Apple's new ad met with widespread disgust and resentment over 'dystopian' messaging | Blaze Media

Apple's new ad met with widespread disgust and resentment over 'dystopian' messaging | Blaze Media

Apple's celebrated "1984" television commercial, which first aired on Dec. 31, 1983, depicts a bleak dystopian reality wherein shaved, uniformed, and altogether interchangeable persons file ant-like through gray steel structures and into a theater. Awaiting them in the dark is a giant screen whereon a Big Brother-esque talking head spews propaganda. The Orwellian monologue is interrupted by a colorful and athletic woman, who storms in armed with a sledge hammer. Having outpaced her faceless pursuers, the heroine hurls the hammer through the screen, shorting the mass programming exercise and possibly liberating the audience.

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