We The People

We The People

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Hydrants and Squirrels

By Tammy Derouin

Guard dogs stand guard to protect against intruders who would cause harm to those they have been entrusted to protect. Their natural abilities and training allow them to detect when something is amiss. They hunt down the offender(s) and their bark acts as an alarm, alerting the masses that something is terribly wrong. When guard dogs become lap dogs, a crucial line of defense has been compromised.

Image result for flickr commons images Fire Squirrel on fire hydrantWe've all seen the Hollywood version of a guard dog. They look vicious, are very muscular, have sharp teeth and a heart-stopping bark. Their bite is indeed much worse than their bark. The drool they produce is a good indication that they would like nothing more than to sink their teeth into the trespasser's rump roast. Occasionally, the good guy finds himself staring down the snout of a guard dog due to some plot-twisting circumstance. But, the guard dog is doing exactly what he has been trained and employed to do; protect the lives, property and interest of his master.

We've also watched as the trespasser manipulates the guard dog. The good guy, who lands in this predicament, has to do some creative thinking and fancy footwork to out-maneuver the guard dog. In many cases, he wants to draw attention to what is taking place so he can free himself from the ordeal and expose the situation. As we watch, we root for him to get past the drooling obstacle because we want the truth to be known and justice to be served. The bad guy, however, knows he is in the wrong and therefore he is always prepared to distract and shift focus. He comes fully prepared to deceive and has a pocket full of tricks or treats to manipulate the situation. He, on the other hand, does not want to draw attention to himself and does his best to remain hidden.

The bad guys always work in the dark or in the shadows. They hide their activity while interestingly enough, call for transparency. They distract and shift focus and will blame others for their wrong-doings, even to the point of attempting to change history. If we do not know our history, the truth, we are doomed. The Left wants to sanitize history so they can control you.

The fantasy shows, aka the news, which the Left has been producing for some time, never cease to amaze me. To claim that the failed policies of past administrations, such as immigration, were enacted by President Trump is not only sickening, it's reckless and an intentional attempt to change history. It's the job of Congress to make the laws and it's the responsibility of the President to enforce the laws. Anything less would be negligent. The President is doing his job. We cannot say the same thing for his destructive predecessor who chose to only enforce the law if it suited his agenda. Have we forgotten the pen and phone threat and his endless desire to act as a supreme dictator? Congress makes the laws!
Image result for flickr commons images Squirrel
We have lost a very important line of defense, the media. They once used their God-given talents and skills to flush out and expose criminals in our society and in government. Now, they protect individuals who should be investigated and create distractions or produce false information to manipulate the American people. This didn't happen overnight. How many years of manipulation were involved to ruin this very important line of defense? How many biscuits, bones and chew toys did it take to lure them within arm's reach of the fence? When did they feel cozy enough to allow their ears to be scratched? I can only imagine the visions of hydrants and squirrels which were dancing in their heads as they were being lured into darkness. Instead of barking and sounding the alarm, they opted to betray the American people.

Their parlor tricks are on full display as they serve the interests of the Left. Their sickening performance is available on most news channels but one comes to mind more than others. The display is appalling as they twist and turn information to suit their new master. Contortionists beware, there's a new show in town.

When guard dogs willingly become lap dogs and then unscrupulously allow you to watch their traitorous behavior, it's time to cut the chain. Do you value life, liberty, truth and justice or death, enslavement, deceit and injustice? The poison they sell will be our undoing but only if we keep accepting it.

It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.”
Mark Twain

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