We The People

We The People

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Tragic Comedies

By Tammy Derouin

My cable subscription covers a couple hundred channels so this past week I decided to step beyond the few networks I typically watch. I was hopeful that I would find something new and appealing in the entertainment world. I was hopeful. I was so hopeful.

Image result for flickr commons images Comedy and TragedyComedy is usually my first choice. After I eliminated networks which showcased tragic comedies such as the main stream media and their laughable news networks, I moved on hoping to find something along the lines of more traditional comedy. I knew the so called late night comedy shows wouldn't provide anything entertaining. They've become left-wing hired jokers, puppets on strings. When the comedy search failed, I looked for a drama. Well, that search failed too. I was unable to find anything worth watching on 200 plus channels.

I found a lot of shows I could label as new, odd and different but little which seemed appealing. I found men parading around as women in some sort of competition. It was very disturbing. I do not enjoying watching what is considered reality TV because in many cases it encourages hostility and highlights the dark side of emotions. There's always so much yelling and screaming on these shows. If that kind of behavior is your true reality, it's time to make some changes.

Bad behavior has become acceptable and even the word, bad, has been glorified by landing in many titles. Pushing the limits can be entertaining and even humorous. Remember Seinfeld? In days gone by, what made something funny was that it was beyond reality. It was a skit. It was meant to make you laugh; scene over, lights out, that's all folks.

In today's world of entertainment, much of what I see coming out of Hollywood is just plan tragic. It is reflective of the entertainment industry and the destructive road it has created. Now there's even a show which encourages creative, face to face, insults as the audience applauds. Needless to say, my search was very disappointing.
I remember the days of driving by the theater wondering if I would be able to see all the movies listed. Going to the movies was something I looked forward to doing on the weekends. I also remember wishing the VCR could record more than one show at a time. Once upon a time, the networks actually produced good, quality shows. Shows had substance whether they were a comedy or a drama. Even news programs were worth watching. Sadly, for most networks, those days have passed. They used to care about truth and justice and would even compete against rival networks to get the real story. Now, most are infected by left-wing politics, pushing a destructive agenda.

No wonder I default to shows and movies that are ten or twenty years old or older. It was nice to be entertained without someone smacking you in the face with a progressive agenda or trying to get you to turn your back on your beliefs. Situation comedies and dramas can tell a good quality story without being overly political. Every story does have a message or moral. In many cases it comes down to two fundamental beliefs. One, the Golden Rule. You treat others as you would want to be treated. Two, there was an understanding between right and wrong, which are derived from the Ten Commandments and our Judeo-Christian heritage. At the end of the story, right would typically prevail. Unfortunately, that doesn't always happen in real life. But, isn't that the goal? You do everything you can to get to the truth so that justice will be served.

The political Left and Hollywood have a lot in common. They have control issues. Both feel the need to lecture you on how you should live and what you should believe. They target their anger at individuals who think and act independently. They don't believe in personal liberty and they use words and threats to try to manipulate and control you. Your freedom is only acknowledged if you are shackled to their agenda. Does that sound like freedom?

Eventually, more Americans will figure out that the political Left is attempting to destroy our country. Information continues to surface as the truth is revealed. The Obama administration will continue to be exposed for its endless scandals and anti-American agenda. It's been far from entertaining to watch eight years of destructive Obama politics. Political thrillers were once created in Hollywood and based on fiction. The world is watching and the truth will be recorded. No admission ticket required.

To lodge all power in one party and keep it there is to insure bad government and the sure and gradual deterioration of the public morals.”
Mark Twain

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