We The People

We The People

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Follow Directions

By Tammy Derouin

There are always people in life that you come in contact with but you don’t understand why until a later time.  When I was in Junior High, I had a teacher that I wouldn’t truly appreciate until later in life.  Like most teachers, he taught more than one subject. I found myself in several of his challenging classes.  He was an extrovert and I was a struggling introvert.  It wasn’t an easy fit.

Eventually, I was assigned to his American Literature class.  He could recite poems and discuss the classics with ease.  He seemed to have a genuine passion for literature. My interest in reading was beginning to develop so I chose one of his suggestions for an upcoming book report.  We were then informed it would be an oral report.  My enthusiasm took a nosedive.  

He was tough and there was a little fear upon entering his classroom.  He challenged his students.  If you tried, did your best but most importantly, you didn't give up, there seemed to be a softer edge, if ever so briefly.  We were critiqued and given constructive criticism. Our reward, regardless of the actual grade, was a feeling of accomplishment. We also gained experience and were better equipped for the next report.

He was known for his humorous yet dead on comments.  Looking back, the likes of Benjamin Franklin and Mark Twain must have inspired him.  I’ve also compared his ability to serve up an undeniable and much needed point, with a side of humor, to Ronald Reagan. 

As I watched yet another unbelievable week of scandalous deeds and behavior along with the predictable explanation of the Leftist administration and its lap dog press, a fitting saying which was said many times over by my challenging teacher, came to mind.  When all else fails, follow directions.

The most transparent administration has failed the American people.  The scandals and lies perpetrated by the current administration have set our country on a path to destruction.  It should be transparently clear, by this time, that the promise to fundamentally transform America was meant to send us into chaos.  Do we really want to transform, change and alter our most basic and primary fundamental beliefs and principles? 

When and what will it take for the people of this great nation to demand that our elected leaders follow the directions of our U.S. Constitution?  How far off course do we have to drift before we realize that all else has failed?  We need to follow directions.

We are chipping away at our foundation as a free and independent country by supporting those in office who have repeatedly lied and intentionally mislead the American people.  Why do so many refuse to see the facts?  The national debt has been increased to an obscene amount.  Dependency on the government is encouraged while self-reliance on the individual is discouraged. Those who work are being forced to continuously support those who don’t want to work or those who have entered the country illegally. Our borders continue to go unprotected.  Our government cares more about our enemies than the American people. 

We are also chipping away at our intelligence by accepting the lies.  The pathological lies continue as the torch of deception is being aggressively pushed from one blatantly corrupt administration to the next aspiring wrecking ball of destruction.   Do we really believe that Mrs. Clinton is the most qualified person, ever, to run for office?  Are we so adrift, so delusional from the lack of truth that we buy anything and everything we are told?

Life is a learning experience.  The things we go through prepare us for the next challenge.  If we refuse to learn from our past experiences or if we continue to ignore the truth, we are only hurting ourselves.  The land of denial may appear to have more benefits but, they are only short term.  The foundation, on which the land of denial has been built, is based on lies and deception.  An illusion has been created, packaged and sold in hopes that the truth will not be discovered.

Eventually, the truth will surface, the foundation will crumble and the deed, which so many hold for their portion of their investment in this conjured up fantasy, will disappear much like a dream.  The nightmare which they helped to create will, however, be all too real for everyone.

Do we truly follow and accept the party leader and his band of thugs because we no longer have the desire to add up the lies for ourselves?  We are the land of the free but it will take the home of the brave to protect our freedom.  When all else fails, follow directions. 

“Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn’t.”

Mark Twain

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