We The People

We The People

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

June 15, 2016

The Leftist Drum

By Tammy Derouin

Waiting rooms are no longer scattered with layers of magazines to thumb through as you sit and wait for an appointment.  Cell phones, which have become everyone’s center of the universe, have become the go-to device for anything and everything.  Televisions, however, are in most waiting rooms.  Unless you are somehow able to block out the sound, you are held captive by a jabbering box of someone else’s idea of entertainment or news. 

Sitting in a waiting room is about the only time I’m exposed to the puppet show of the main stream media or Left Wing entertainment.  News has become entertainment and entertainment has become an extension of the controlling arm of government. Sometimes it’s difficult to tell one from the other as they both march to the beat of the leftist drum.  I wonder how long it will be before we have just one, government approved, news channel.

This past week I was held captive by a television in a waiting room.  I did my best to block it out but found it extremely difficult to listen to a man’s voice talking as if he were a woman.  I was unable to see the TV so the dialog was even more concerning.  Two things came to mind.  One, I truly felt sorry for this individual.  He, and he is a he, needs help.  But, not the nip, tuck or enhancement kind of help which is being followed by the demand that the original he or she, which is now a she or he, should be accepted into either restroom or activity based on how one identifies themselves at the moment. Two, I am sick and tired of the Left pushing their destructive agenda on the rest of us!

Later that same day, I saw a commercial for some kind of a show which supports, promotes or maybe it encourages, sex change operations for the very young, dare I say, children. I didn’t stick around long enough to be more than instantly disgusted.  Is this supposed to be news, entertainment or is it another attempt to use the word “reality” to completely screw up our society?

Why does the Left demands tolerance and acceptance when it comes to their beliefs, but immediately denies the same level of tolerance and acceptance to those who disagree with their beliefs.  The agenda pushing program was painting an all too familiar picture.  The Left likes to paint those who do not agree with their beliefs as individuals who hate.

I don’t like to use the word “offend” because it has been over used by our insane, politically correct society.  I was outraged!  Just because I do not agree with the choices, decisions and beliefs of others, does not mean I hate them or condone violence.  This is just another controlling tactic of the Left. 

We, as a nation, placed a very destructive individual in the White House.  His actions resemble a king or a dictator more than a president.  We have allowed him to force his will on us.  Congress has not been able to stop him and the courts haven’t been much help.  When Congress refuses to cave into his demands, he simply pulls out his pen and declares his wishes to be enacted. The Constitution, what Constitution?    

He has placed anti-American individuals within his administration.  They have served him well in their quest to destroy the United States.  He has rolled out the red carpet and invited those who wish to destroy us, into our White House.  He disrespects and mocks our history, our freedom and independence.  His contempt for our military is transparently clear.

His reign of destruction includes destroying our economy, increasing government dependency, raising the debt ceiling to an unbelievable level, targeting American citizens through government agencies, showing admiration for criminals and thugs while vilifying our police, forcing utility cost to skyrocket, favoring our enemies while ignoring our allies and refusing to protect our borders, to name but a few scandalous activities.  Do we really want to continue this path of destruction by electing an extension of his reign?

The blueprint for the Left’s forced journey to Utopia includes unrest.  A problem is created or amplified.  When one course of action fails, they move to the next possible opportunity.  Each attempt is more outrageous.  Anyone who objects to the forced will of this administration is labeled with one or more adjectives, usually involving some sort of imagined hatred of another group of people.

Special interest groups are the tools which are assisting in the destruction of our United States. Who will they turn to once they have been disregarded?  How much regret will they feel once that old dusty document which not only acknowledges, but protects their God given rights, no longer exists?    
“It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere.”


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