We The People

We The People

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

The Cheese

By Tammy Derouin

As I look at the headlines from this past week, I’m amazed at how desensitized the American people have become to corruption.  Although the progressive agenda has been knocking on our door for approximately 100 years, it hasn’t been until recent years that we have truly lost our way.

Do you remember when truth and integrity were important?  Remember when it only took one scandal to topple an administration?  Nixon must be rolling over in his grave.  There was a time when reporters were the heroes. They asked tough questions and were tenacious at getting to the bottom of the story.  They even engaged in something called investigative reporting.  Reporters have become the villains if they have the courage, now required, to ask the tough questions.  They were heroes because they went after corruption, not only in politics but anywhere there was an attempt to deceive the American people.  They were our informational foot soldiers.
In this transformed world we live in, a political campaign can successfully convince a major newspaper to change a headline to suit the needs of their political agenda. The media sides with corruption rather than exposing it.  The media accepts snide, sarcastic comments from those who are in office, should they have the courage to ask questions which deviate from the party line.  Instead of jumping all over the person in power for not answering or belittling a question, the party minions in the press, attack their own or distance themselves.

This kind of turn-coat behavior has paralyzed the American people.  Watching the mainstream evening news or most mainstream news programs in general, no longer fulfills the requirement of staying informed.  Instead, they have become a party tool to deceive the American people.  We trusted our news sources for so long; it’s difficult to see how much they have turned against us, the U.S.

We have been drip-fed so much anti-American propaganda.  Over time, we began to believe and accept that the American way is wrong.  We have accepted that we are powerless and are incapable of controlling our future.  We no longer sniff out corruption.  We don’t jump over walls or dig tunnels to find the real story.  Instead, we have accepted the cheese and the shackles which come with it.  We are being led by the nose.  When something of interest is dangled in front of us, we blindly follow.  The cheese looks so promising. There must be a Utopian world of cheese.  Don’t pay any attention to the traps being placed all around you.  Keep your eyes on the cheese.

Once you have been completely stripped of your independence, the cheese is yanked away.  You are left staring at all the traps.  One false move and you’re done.  You’re now at the mercy of the one(s) you blindly followed.  Your enabler has become your captor.  How do you get out of this mess?  Good question.  Surveillance cameras watch your every move so forget about trying to manipulate the traps. 

How are they going to convince the masses that it’s best to confine and limit your movement?  How do they get it across that they have your best interest in mind?  They must control your every move, but how?  A captor is such a harsh term, isn’t it?  Let’s use a little PC magic to soften the blow.  In true progressive form, they change their stripes.  They are no longer your captors. They are now your, are you read for this?  They are your protectors!  They just want you to be safe and secure.  They know what’s best.  After all, we’ve allowed them to control our lives for so long; all they want to do is secure their position.  You can’t make a move without their help or more importantly, their permission.  

The progressive left is extremely well versed in the art of manipulation.  If something potentially harmful has been exposed, they deny it or attack the one(s) who exposed their wrong doing.  The exposer becomes the villain and the villain becomes the innocent bystander.  How many times have we witnessed this scenario take place throughout the dark years of this administration?

When did we stop valuing our lives and our very existence?  When did we begin to turn a blind eye on corruption within our own government?  When did we decide to cater to and fund our enemies?  Why do we allow our government to value our enemies and non-Americans in general, over the lives and interests of the American people?  When did we decide that having an anti-American administration was the American way?

“Democracy and socialism have nothing in common but one word, equality.  But notice the difference: while democracy seeks equality in liberty, socialism seeks equality in restraint and servitude.”

Alexis de Tocqueville

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