Deception and Distraction
By Tammy Derouin
Have we truly become a nation of blind followers? We are creating tyranny out of liberty and
enslavement out of freedom. Recent
history provides a very good example of what can happen when the wrong man,
party and philosophy are voted into office.
Because the masses refused to remove their blinders, they were
manipulated. When it becomes easier to
believe lies rather than to search out the truth, a people, a nation willingly
became dependent and the enslavement begins.
Tools of the tyrannical trade include limiting information,
taking over the media, removing guns and weapons from the people, blaming
others for your problems, taking over the educational system, indoctrinating
the youth, creating chaos, taking advantage of the chaos so the people will
rise up and beg for help. Enter the
American schools once taught the horrific effects of
ignoring the signs of tyranny. If
government infiltrates the educational system, government will remove or
reconstruct history to advance their political agenda. This never ends well. If we do not teach our posterity, they will
not recognize the signs. Instead, they
will fall for the very first indicators, deception and distraction. They will
not understand they are being manipulated and used. They will be doomed to repeat a very hard
lesson. Will the consequences be even
Education, knowing our past, the good and the bad, is
extremely necessary. Knowledge is power
and that is why those who wish to control, be it an individual or millions, use
every opportunity to limit information or try to manipulate it. During this process, when someone dares to
expose the truth, the story quickly changes.
Whistleblowers become targets. They become the enemy as the true enemy
becomes the victim.
We, as a nation, willingly ignore facts and buy into
deception and distraction. We are allowing
our elected government servants, as well as hopeful, want-to-be elected
government servants, to openly deceive us.
If we cannot hold someone accountable prior to an election, when we have
a working knowledge of their bag of tricks and questionable ethics, we get what
we get. Does it, should it make a
As the transformation takes place, fewer and fewer people
know the truth. It becomes much easier
to control people, especially if you convince them they are victims. As people begin to believe that others are
the cause of their circumstance, it becomes easier to stoke a fire. But first, you need to create a spark. Actions must be exploited that may cause
civil unrest. Opportunities to take
advantage of a crisis are never wasted.
In our recent modern day history, a man filled with hate who
had a lack luster career rose to power.
He convinced the population, through deceit and distraction, that he
could save the nation. He promoted hate
and blamed others. He had visions of a
perfect, Utopian nation and race. One
party eventually dominated their system of government. Those who disagreed
The more he deceived the more powerful he became as he
embraced the notion; lies become truth if repeatedly told. The blind cheered and applauded a charismatic
leader. An elected leader of the people would eventually become a tyrannical
dictator. A nation fell and a war was
fought. Millions of innocent people were
rounded up and put to death because they didn’t fit into his psychotic plan.
As the truth of his Final Solution became known and the
horrific evidence surfaced, we vowed to never let this happen again but here we
are, teetering on a very dark path.
If we as a nation are willing to accept deceit and no longer
value truth, we are lost. If we as a
nation, knowing look the other way, while we accept creative explanations as to
why wrong is all of a sudden right, we have lost our souls.
If we can accept violating the rights of one or a few today
for the needs of the many, how does that not make you vulnerable tomorrow? When we abandon the belief that we are a
nation of laws and embrace the rule of man, your life has no value. The state decides who and what is of
value. Will you fit into the ruling
party’s philosophy tomorrow?
“How fortunate for governments that the people they
administer don’t think.”
Adolf Hitler
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