We The People

We The People

Monday, August 24, 2015

Liberals outraged Ted Cruz accurately compared Obama to Jimmy Carter - Spokane Conservative | Examiner.com

Liberals outraged Ted Cruz accurately compared Obama to Jimmy Carter - Spokane Conservative | Examiner.com:

"The post also claimed that "the 'weak' Carter brokered the Camp David accords, ending decades of strife between Israel and Egypt. And he got the hostages home from Iran without dropping a single bomb, despite GOP attempts to creit (sic) Reagan for events that occurred before his swearing in."

What the DU poster failed to mention, however, is that the Iran crisis went on for over 440 days. Carter launched a rescue attempt in April 1980, but the effort failed. Eight U.S. servicemen were killed and the operation was called off. The hostages were not released until after Ronald Reagan was sworn into office, despite a December agreement. The embassy in Tehran is now an Islamic cultural center and museum.

Oddly enough, none of the media outlets reporting on the issue questioned the veracity of Cruz's statement. A Google search revealed that all of the reporting was centered on the timing of his comments. In short, Cruz told the truth and the left simply couldn't handle it."

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