We The People

We The People

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Sticks and Stones

By Tammy Derouin

I never really realized how important words were until I began writing on a weekly basis.  Like most essentials, we take them for granted.  We don’t think about their origin or the importance they have played in our history.  We freely use words without any thought or concern that someday our supply may come to an end.

We inhale air and drink water without any thought as to how or why it is readily available.  The air is just there.  No one falls over while walking down the street due to a sudden shortage.  Areas haven’t been labeled “air desert.”  How many bought into the “food desert” the progressive movement was trying to spin?   We know when we lift the lever on a faucet, water will flow.  We don’t hold our breath, cross our fingers, hope and pray with one eye closed as we wait.   

Words are powerful.  They can be used for good and they can be used for evil.  Those who wish to control use them to instill fear and dependency.   Words, by themselves, are not physically harmful.  They may cause hurt feelings but they cannot cause broken bones or death simply because they passed through our ears. 

An individual with a nefarious agenda will use words to cause a reaction to achieve a desired outcome. His choice of words will plant seeds; seeds he hopes others will nurture and cultivate.  Your reaction puts the control back into your hands.  Reacting without thought or investigation, allows bad seeds to grow.  If you refuse to blindly accept the words and investigate prior to reacting, you can kill evil seed before they take root.   

I grew up prior to the invention of bubble wrap.  I also grew up with the saying, “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never harm me.”  We now live in a bubble-wrap society.  Apparently, the powers that be wish to protect sensitive Americans from hearing and therefore using, certain words. 

Isn’t it funny how words, which can only be seen or heard, are being targeted and banned?  Individuals who defy the political correct jargon of the New Word Order have themselves become targets.  Those who wish to control, use words as a weapon. Words have been reconfigured and ramped up to describe individuals as harmful and loveless if they refuse to play by bubble-wrap rules.  Allowing strategically placed words to modify and change your behavior and thinking, gives those who want control, ultimate control.

Words are being incased in bubble wrap as they make their way to the Land of the Banished.  We are being conditioned to ignore the sticks and stones, which can actually cause harm. Sticks and stones are ushered in under full protection and with full benefits.

In many cases, our own resources are being gathered and used against us.  Sticks have been harvested and stones have been quarried right here, on American soil. Word placement is used to trigger a response with the help of a little emotional lighter fluid.  Sticks and stones strategically placed throughout the land become readily available. The next thing you know, the words are blamed and destructive actions are excused as justifiable behavior.

Banning words leads to banning books, thoughts and individual beliefs.  Our government is leading the campaign as they refuse to use certain words to identify our enemies and those who illegally invade our borders. 

Maybe this is a global epidemic?  Have humans become so sensitive, so thin skinned that they cannot handle the truth?  Have jihadist, terrorist, radical Islamist, illegal aliens, criminals at any level and professional liars become so soft that their ears cannot handle the very definition of their work?  No!  When they fear their cover has been blown, they get irate.   

Excuses and finger pointing begin the first wave of damage control.  Mocking and belittling tactics attempt to discredit those who are willing to hold their ground.  There are many who will not accept that the sky is green and the grass is blue just because someone at the top decided to fundamentally change everything.

Words will be used to ignite the desired fire if we voluntarily pick up the sticks and stones and use them against each other.  They have been carefully placed in many locations by those who wish to control us.  It’s up to us America.  Do we want the government to make all of our decisions for us?  Do you really think the government knows or even cares about our best interest?  Are we going to be blindly led to slaughter like sheep? 

Our Bill of Rights, our very Constitution, is an endangered document.  It is essential to our freedom.  We cannot afford to allow it to become extinct.

“If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.”

George Washington 

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