We The People

We The People

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

A Man and His Minions

By Tammy Derouin

We have become desensitized to corruption.  It no longer surprises us.  The abuse of power which has taken place in our current administration is never-ending.  I guess we have to hit rock bottom before the nation as a whole, sees the self-inflicted, destructive policies and behavior perpetrated by this administration.

We have a few courageous congressmen who refuse to sit idle and watch our nation transform without a fight.  It’s hard to believe I have to use words such as courageous and brave to describe someone who defends the Constitution.  But then again, I never thought American citizens would be criticized or become a target for displaying the American flag.

We used to be a nation of laws, not of men.  A regime was how we described certain governments in far away lands.  We felt compassion for those living under such oppression.  The United States was the nation, those who were oppressed, turned to for help.  We defended the defenseless and we didn’t turn our back on a friend.  

We are now a nation of a man and his minions.  The definition of regime now describes the United States.  There will be little to no compassion for the U.S. because we disarm and ignore the weak, making them vulnerable to their enemies.  We betray our allies, allow their enemies to surround them and then simply walk away.  

If we value our freedom and our future, we need to realize that the regime is working against the American people.  How else would you explain the actions of this man and his minions?  Every opportunity to create division among Americans is exploited.  There is an active attempt to create racial, social, economic, and political divisions. 

We’ve witnessed the racial division by way of fanning a make believe flame into an explosive and violent atmosphere.  The man and his minions make reckless comments to sway public opinion before facts have been gathered and scrutinized.  To give their race-baiting plan an added boost, they reconstruct the image of the potential criminal.  Carefully selected words or photos transform the suspect into an innocent, harmless individual.  Incriminating evidence against the suspect is suppressed, while the possible victim is branded a criminal.  I guess its fine to ignore due process if it benefits the ruling party.
Social and economic divisions are carried out the Robin Hood way; steal from the rich and give to the poor.  Redistribution of wealth doesn’t work.  It does however, create animosity between those who have more than others.  It no longer matters that an individual worked for their success, they are demonized for being successful.  A successful individual has a way of creating jobs but again, it’s irrelevant.  Entitlement programs increase and become socially acceptable. 

Political division has been skillfully maneuvered. Those who speak out against the regime are mocked and belittled.  Their character is challenged and run through the political mill.  To increase their chances of eliminating political threats, the regime uses governmental tools such as the IRS to intimidate, harass and possibly eliminate the opposition.

It would be real easy for our enemies to take advantage of all the internal division taking place within our borders.  A country divided cannot stand and defend itself from outside forces when it’s battling so many internal conflicts.  Of course, when the president arms our enemies while desperately trying to disarm American citizens, cuts the military and sends them to disease infested countries, doesn’t secure the borders and allows an endless amount of undocumented individuals, many of whom could be our enemies or a threat by way of unchecked health issues, it appears to me, that his loyalty isn’t to the American people or the Constitution.  I believe the oath of office required him to commit to protecting the homeland and upholding the Constitution.

It’s beyond disturbing that so many scandals and so much abuse of power has been created by one administration.  Did it surprise anyone that the president used executive power to withhold emails between Eric Holder, his wife and his mother in the Fast and Furious scandal?  It’s just more of the same; the typical and unethical behavior which we’ve accepted and even expect out of this administration.

Have we, as Americans, given up on the beliefs and values which made us the greatest nation in the world?  Do we value lies, deceit, cheating, betrayal, intimidation, targeting and actions which have resulted in the deaths of American citizens?  Do we believe rules were meant to be broken, at will, if it leads to the desired goal?  By supporting the president and his administration, we endorse what was once unacceptable behavior.  If we accept that right is wrong and wrong is right, we’ve allowed the fundamental transformation of America to take place.

“We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.”

Abraham Lincoln

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