We The People

We The People

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

August 7, 2013
Believe It or Not
By Tammy Derouin
How our president remains in office could have been the subject of a Ripley’s Believe It or Not episode.  It just amazes me.  There is so much abuse of power. There are anti-American policies being made by anti-American government officials.  Some have been elected.  Many have been appointed.  We’ve had very progressive presidents in the past but I feel we are dealing with the most anti-American White House in our history.
The fact that the president is still in office is not only a disgrace to this once strong, independent nation, it’s a very good indicator as to how far off course we are as a nation.  By weakening our military, our economy and our standing in the world, Obama has made the American people feel weak and no longer capable of being independent.  This once strongest nation in the world, has succumbed to the playground bully.  I can still see Obama bowing to the Saudi king.  It absolutely sickened me. 
Our elected leader has disgraced our nation.  He has made us vulnerable to those who wish to destroy us.  He has left our perimeter unguarded, our door open and all that we value exposed for pillaging. Yet, believe it or not, we applaud, cheer, smile and re-elect. The American people have become afraid of their own government.  This fear creates the perfect condition for tyranny to grab ahold and tighten the reins on a once free society.  Executive orders have been quietly signed over the past several years to eliminate the need for our Constitution.  All we need is a crisis.
Once again Benghazi and the IRS scandals are news worthy.  If they were in the headlines, Americans would actually be outraged about such abuse of power.  But they’re not, so we’re not.  We just continue to believe everything is fine and dandy.  The administration manufactures a whole lot of sunshine, blinding our eyes from the truth.  Of course, we know the government doesn’t manufacture anything.  They just regulate, tax and suffocate.  No, I stand corrected; they regularly manufacture lies and a false sense of security. 
Benghazi, like a bad president, I mean penny, just won’t go away.  Reports are now emerging that the Obama Administration has been changing the identity of Benghazi survivors and spreading them around the country to avoid congressional investigators.  CNN recently reported that there were “dozens” of CIA operatives in Benghazi on September 11, 2012.   Wouldn’t that have been useful information?  Dozens of people could have told their story.  The truth would have come out.  Questions would have been answered.  Oh yeah, now it makes sense.  The transparency of this administration is as thick as the pages in the Affordable Health Care Act.  Obamacare is yet another act of deception by our far from admirable president and his progressive cronies.
The IRS, despite claims that harassment has ceased, continues to target those who don’t fall in political step with the president.  The fact that any harassment took place should have been enough to knock the president off his throne.  The Thomas More Society has been contacted by numerous groups seeking legal counsel.  The list of victims continues to grow under the Obama administration.  Conservative non-profit organizations have been targeted.  The administration has gone beyond patriot groups.  Christian groups have also been harassed to the point of inquiring about the content of their prayers.  Do that to a Muslim and see how far you get. They’ll scream freedom of religion faster than you can say Mecca.  Christians have become a target of our government.  Pro-life groups have also been the target of this administration.  According to the Thomas More Society, they have “produced over 230 pages of documentation showing that the federal government is still interrogating pro-life groups beyond the scope of its legal authority, infringing upon these organizations’ First Amendment rights of assembly, free speech, and religious liberty.”   Let freedom ring!
Here we are once again, facing another progressive tactic.  If you can’t beat the stubborn facts, mock them.  The Obama administration is now referring to the Benghazi and IRS scandals as phony.  Will the lies ever catch up with this president?  How will posterity judge us?  Probably the same way we judge those who came before us. “How could they not see what was happening? The proof was there, yet they re-elected him?  Didn’t they learn anything from twentieth century history?” 
Americans are so eager to believe that all is well, we’ll believe anything.  Americans used to question those in power.  To do so now makes you vulnerable to attack.  You will be labeled as difficult, an extremist and even a racist.  When did it become un-American to uphold the values and beliefs of the American way of life?
“Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it and eventually they will believe it.”
Adolf Hitler


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