We The People

We The People

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

October 17, 2012
Education Is The Key
By Tammy Derouin
Government control has been the rule over the course of world history.  The United States made it the exception.  Slavery to the state has been part of most governments throughout history.  Since the beginning of time, man has sought to control man.  The Bible and many other books on ancient history are full of examples.  Our forefathers broke the mold and drafted a document that allows man to be ruled by laws, not by man.  The United States is living proof that a republic and a free market make a successful and prosperous nation.
The very nation that broke the mold and became the land of the free is going backwards.  We are willingly going to enslave ourselves to the government if more people don’t wake up.  The less we do and think for ourselves, the easier it is for the government to do and think for us.  Education is the key and the educational system has failed.   So many people can’t answer what should be simple questions.  Which came first the Revolutionary War or WWI?  What is the Emancipation Proclamation?  What’s the first amendment?  We are doomed to repeat history if we don’t know history.   If Americans aren’t educated, the importance of the Revolutionary War, The Emancipation Proclamation and the first amendment are irrelevant.  The government will take and has taken advantage of our ignorance.  If we don’t know why we are free or what makes us free or how to stay free, we will no longer be free.
The world has turned upside down.  Truth no longer matters.  Cover-ups are an accepted standard.  The free press has already been enslaved.  The president’s policies seek to enslave this nation beyond our wildest dreams.  The elite know that a lie told often enough becomes the truth.  Those are Lenin’s words.  There are a lot of lies and cover-ups taking place, but where’s the outrage?  Obama knows he scores more points going on Letterman, The View and radio shows.  People will be very shocked one day when they realize they have been duped.  The damage will be done and there won’t be any turning back.  Information will be controlled, beyond what has already happened.  For those of us who actually had history classes, we will see that we have just become another example of blindly following a charismatic leader.  Our history and our traditions will change as Michelle Obama said they would.  A fundamental transformation of America will have taken place, just like Barack Hussein Obama said it would.  Our freedoms will be gone.  Those that blindly followed will be screaming the loudest but only for a short time.  History will remind us that once the dictator takes the position he sought, the causes and beliefs of the people who put him there no longer matter.  They are now expendable.  Does it sound harsh?  These aren’t my words.  These are the words of history. 
I think Obama is doing exactly what he set out to do.  The press refuses to report and hold him accountable for his actions and failures.  To Obama, they are not failures.  The American people need to remove the sleep from their eyes and see Obama and his policies for what they are, destructive to the American way of life.
Obama’s actions and policies have hurt the United States.  We are in much worse shape than we were before he took office.  The economy and everything that goes with it from unemployment, government assistance, home values, gas prices and the cost everything has gone up, but not our wages.  Obama has crippled our nation financially.  His performance on foreign affairs is equally devastating.  We are more vulnerable to our enemies today than in the past.  The president should be our advocate not our enemies advocate.
Joe Biden sat at the debate table and mocked the issues that are important to this nation by smirking and laughing.  His rudeness and overall attitude were unacceptable.  His condescending behavior is much like the president’s condescending behavior to the American people and to our allies.  What he did is a classic Sal Alinsky tactic.  He belittled, mocked and demeaned his opponent, Paul Ryan.  Sal Alinsky was a left wing radical.  He studied the mob by hanging out with them.  Their methods became his tactics.  Hillary Clinton wrote her college thesis on him.  This is a man she admires?  This is so much bigger than Obama. Obama is not helping America, he is destroying it.
“The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government – lest it come to dominate our lives and interests.”
Patrick Henry

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