We The People

We The People

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Deficiency In Reality

By Tammy Derouin

Has the United States ever had a more out of touch president?  Has any other president put more effort into destroying our country rather than preserving and protecting it or spent more time creating problems instead of resolving them?  Obama will go down as the worst president in our history.  He will also take the trophy for best con man in the role of president of the United States.  The American people will be judged for electing such an individual not once but twice and will win the award for most naïve in this upside down fantasy production.

Obama will leave office with a list of accomplishments to flaunt to his progressive allies and to our enemies.  His accomplishments weren’t designed to help the United States.  They were meant to weaken and collapse our country.  The trail of evidence leads right back to his first days in office.  With limited time, he seeks to continue his destructive legacy by endorsing Mrs. Clinton.  What is concerning is how much more damage he will cause in his last few months in office.

If you cannot see how badly the Obama administration has damaged the United States, you either have a deficiency in reality or you are part of the problem.  To call him incompetent is a huge mistake.  He knows exactly what he is doing.  He may not be the mastermind but he has played a major role.  He’s a puppet, manufactured and groomed for a starring role in bringing about the collapse of the United States.  

Obama has an innate ability to ignore disasters, whether natural or terrorist attacks, with unquestionable ease when it involves the American people.  He has an undeniable talent to create and encourage chaos and mayhem.  Some of his handy work includes refusing to protect our borders.  He encourages illegal immigration and gives taxpayer funded benefits to the imported law breakers. His party flaunts them on stage, disrespecting the American people and those who went through the proper channels to become legal citizens. He is creating a racial division among the American people by jumping to conclusions while also creating an anti-police atmosphere.  This is but the tip of the Obama Iceberg.  The list goes on and on as our basic rights are under assault as well as our founding principles as a Christian nation. 

The executive has criticized other administrations for much lesser offenses.  Remember when it was an outrage for the debt to be so high?  Where is it now?  Obama hasn’t lowered it; he has increased it, considerably.  Remember when the goal was to get people off of welfare programs? What does Obama do?  He increases dependency on government funded programs, which is of course, funded by the American taxpayer.  Remember when we didn’t support and fund nations who wished to destroy us and we didn’t release dangerous criminals to go back to their homeland to plan more attacks against us?  There was also a time when the United States didn’t make ransom payments but, that was also before we had a president and an administration who took directions from our enemies.
The hypocrisy never ends. Do you remember when flying over the disaster areas in New Orleans, left by Hurricane Katrina, wasn’t good enough?  Obama criticized President Bush, on the Senate floor, for flying over flooded areas.  Where is Obama during this latest disaster?  Louisiana is once again flooded.  Does he bother to cut his vacation short to go down to see the devastation?  He can’t because he is too busy playing golf.   How many rounds of golf has he played while Americans are suffering from natural disasters or being killed by terrorists? 

I wonder what the excuse will be for his latest lack of interest concerning the American people.  Who will he blame?  What magic trick will he use to spin his latest failure?  Maybe, most importantly, why will the masses accept it?  Why do so many Americans excuse his behavior and accept the lies and deceit? 

I hope more people will begin to wake up with his latest disregard for the American people.  Will people begin to realize they are being used?  He doesn’t care.  He’s only interested in how they vote.  Once their usefulness has ended so will his attention for their concerns.  Special interest groups should be paying attention.

Louisiana is suffering as the president enjoys many rounds of golf.

“We can talk about levees that couldn’t hold, a FEMA that seemed not just incompetent but paralyzed and powerless, about a president who only saw the people from the window of an airplane instead of down here on the ground.”

Barack Obama

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