March 14, 2018
Process of Enlightenment
By Tammy Derouin
I think most Americans are pretty
level-headed. When given the facts and the correct information, most
people can make reasonable deductions and good decisions. The
problem is so much information is controlled by liberal entities to
push a very liberal anti-American agenda. Truth be damned if it
doesn't serve their purpose. They make every attempt to drown out
anyone who dares to stand in their way. So I always find it
interesting and somewhat amusing when individuals allow themselves to
be questioned about politics and policy. When individuals are asked
to determine which political party endorses certain ideals or carried
out certain deeds, it can be an eye-opening or even jaw dropping
The Democratic Party is getting pretty
desperate, so desperate that they are attempting to turn good things
into bad things. They want to be seen as coming to the rescue.
Somehow this is supposed to make them and their party seem more
appealing. They latch on to topics and issues which they think will
bring them the most votes. Yes, they do get some votes by appealing
to the main stream media loyalists and those who wish to hear lies
rather than truth. But, there's nothing appealing about the swamp
and all its shadowy creatures. Exposure to the sun and a good
cleansing with the truth doesn't set well with them. The cover of
darkness, with transparency as thick as mud, is needed to keep their
agenda oozing forward.
Their heads are still spinning from a
political loss, a loss which wasn't supposed to happen. They stacked
the deck in their favor and even took out an insurance policy by way
of using false information against their opponent, and still lost the
election. As the story continues to unravel and the truth unfolds,
it is becoming clearer that they were doing the very things they
accused the opposition of doing. They just can't figure out how the
American people out smarted the Liberal Left. After all, they know
what's best for everyone, just ask them. They are still fuming over
the fact that we didn't buy their endless lies and deceit. Instead
of learning from the errors of their ways, they've decided to double
down and dig in for another round of deception.
Sometimes you just have to sit back and
let things unfold. Stand your ground when it is necessary but
sometimes, the more somebody wishes to destroy you, the more they are
actually destroying themselves. The sooner more Americans are
presented with facts and accurate information, the sooner this
country will be able to weed out those who claimed to be helping, but
turned out to only be helping themselves. Hopefully, the individuals
in question will also be held accountable for their actions.
As the hocus-pocus continues, another
round of turning good into bad is under way. The Democrats are
destroying themselves by pushing destructive thoughts and ideology.
The American people already saw through their deceit and chose not to
vote them back into power. Hopefully, the vigilance will continue
because they continue to promote an agenda which is counterproductive
and harmful for the American people.
Spinning that tax hikes are good and
that the government can make better decisions for us if they control
more of our money is ludicrous. But then again, so is open borders,
catch and release, sanctuary cities, gun free zones, free speech
zones (other than our nation as a whole), blaming a weapon or device
and not the individual for a crime, encouraging individuals to
participate in protests which will lead to the loss of our rights,
protecting and not pursuing the possible criminal behavior of
government officials, and any action which removes the rights of the
people and gives more control to the government is a dangerous
While the Democratic Party tries to
hold on to voters, holding on too tightly may cause more to slip
away. We are a Republic with checks and balances, not majority rule.
“Democracy is two wolves and a lamb
voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb
contesting the vote.”
Benjamin Franklin
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