We The People

We The People

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Rose Petals

By Tammy Derouin

The flaws of the progressive agenda, the so called enlightened way of thinking, will be our undoing as a free and independent nation if we continue to disregard history and put a higher value on death and enslavement rather than life and freedom. Why do those on the Left favor policies and forms of government which embrace enslavement, death and destruction? The Declaration of Independence is a liberating document; a document which severed our ties with oppressive rule and authority. Why would we want to go backwards? What is it about oppression and death that is so appealing to the Left?

Image result for Rose Petal PathLife is a wonderful gift, yet last week the state of Oregon celebrated a new law which makes abortions free for everyone in their state, including illegal aliens. It's called the Reproductive Health Equity Act. The Left likes to wrap their twisted way of thinking into hot button packages. This appalling package focuses on the fear mongering that someone or some entity is out to shackle all females at their ovaries. How is it that we understand the importance of life and the means to which we will go to save a loved one from death, yet so many can blatantly disregard the heartbeat of an unborn child? By making abortion an on demand procedure, some sort of new age right, we become desensitized to the true reality. Death is preferred over life and false rights, granted by the government, allow the government to inch its way further into a controlling role over everyone’s life.

More and more evidence is surfacing that the Obama administration did spy on President Trump before and after the election. This is huge and it should have everyone very concerned, regardless of political beliefs. Do we want our intelligence agencies secretly spying on American citizens for the political gain of an administration? Think about that, our intelligence agencies, if used improperly, could be used as political weapons against everyone. Remember, during the Obama administration, when members of Congress were monitored while Obama was involved in the Iran nuclear negotiations? The thought of secret police spying on Americans for political gain is very unsettling. Actually, it's downright horrifying. There was a time when such actions only took place by dictators in faraway lands.

Embracing dictators and their oppressive, iron fist style of governance is not new for Left leaning individuals. The love affair has however, gained more appeal as the media has added their slobbering kisses and words of affection. They've created a path, complete with rose petals, leading directly to oppression. The Left is currently fawning over North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un. Instead of supporting the President of the United States and his duty to protect the American people and the homeland, the Left is throwing their support behind a brutal dictator; a dictator which is not only a threat to our allies but to the United States. In 2016, while Obama was still in office, North Korea threatened Manhattan with a hydrogen bomb. I want a president who takes such threats seriously, not one who pacifies and ignores threatening talk. Why aren't more Americans asking these questions? Why does the Left and why did the Obama administration support our enemies?

It always goes back to history. If we do not know and understand events which took place in the past, we will not see the warning signs. If we do not understand the warning signs, we cannot act accordingly to avert future disasters. How many times do we have to learn that you cannot pacify the enemy?

I was pleasantly surprised to learn that a school district in Arizona did not support the altering of the Declaration of Independence by one of its teachers. According to an article in the Washington Times, a parent complained when it was discovered that a teacher altered a poster of the Declaration of Independence by crossing out “men” and inserted “humans.” Thankfully, the administration had the teacher restore the document to the original content.

You can almost hear the argument coming from the Left, can't you? It makes more sense in today's politically correct, or enlightened world, to make such changes so that no one feels excluded. So just how far do you think the Left would like to take their alterations? How much damage could be caused by swapping out other words? What if, “endowed by their Creator” becomes politically incorrect in the future? How much damage could be inflicted with future alterations and substitutions?

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.”

Declaration of Independence

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