We The People

We The People

Wednesday, August 23, 2017


By Tammy Derouin

The American flag tells a story about our great nation. It has changed over time to acknowledge each state which has joined our republic. While each state is represented by a star, the flag holds true to our history, our thirteen original colonies. Without the experiences of the colonist, the history of why the original colonies came into existence in the first place, the United States which we know today would not exist. To remove even one thread, would alter history.
Image result for flickr commons images Eraser
Why would we want to eliminate the reminders of why our nation was founded or the struggles which have taken place? Without our past we do not have our present day. If we do not understand the importance of the past and therefore try to eliminate that which we do not like, we are setting our country up for disaster.

Every life is filled with highs and lows. We have things we want to remember and things we would much rather forget. If we took an eraser to our own life and eliminated the things we didn't like or if we embellished or created something that wasn't true, a short-term benefit may be enjoyed. The consequences from fallout, however, are not worth the perceived gain.

We understand the importance of keeping personal records. We keep tabs on everything. In this day and age, if we aren’t keeping track of ourselves, someone or some entity is doing it for us. It would be in our best interest to make sure our information, our experiences, are recorded correctly.

Stop and think about how much of your life has been recorded. Everything from your medical history to your credit, education, career and even your residency has a paper trail. Most people record aspects of their personal lives and experiences. Some may simply jot things down on a calendar or take pictures to tell a story, while others keep journals and record more details. All serve as a potential history book for future referencing.

We want the correct information in our files and we will go to great lengths to remove incorrect
information. We know that false or deleted information could harm us. A bad credit report may prevent you from making an important purchase. A bad credit report based on false information is even worse. If you have ever had an allergic reaction to a medication you know the importance of having that information recorded. Have you ever heard anyone say that their reaction was so bad they told the doctor not to put it in their records? Of course not! If anything, we want it highlighted. We don't want to repeat horrible experiences. Not only is the experience and name of the medication burned into your memory, you have it written down as does the doctor. You also know what led up to the event so you can watch for those same clues and hopefully prevent a repeat occurrence altogether.

Why do we see the devastating effects of burying the truth and altering facts of history in our personal life but not when it comes to the life of our nation? Our history serves a purpose. Without the experiences of those who came before us, the battles and injustices they fought, we would not have the life we have today. If our ancestral home or country was so much better than what we have here in the United States, we would have left. We are blessed to have been born or to have become legal citizens of the United States for a very important reason, freedom. Freedom isn't free so if we want to keep it and pass it on to our posterity, we better pay attention to those who are trying to divide and conquer our country.

If we choose to erase and rewrite history, we are playing into the hands of those who wish to control us. Power hungry controllers understand that knowledge is power. They are using those who do not understand the importance of our history to destroy history. They are using Americans to destroy America.

Knowing our history and recognizing the warning signs before a disaster strikes is critical. The more we know and understand the more we can prevent the repeat of past mistakes. Why, after so many years of celebrating the many paths to freedom which the United States has provided, has the focus become the battle, the battle which has been won? Why was there an effort by many, over the last eight plus years, to encourage civil unrest? If individuals continue to blindly follow without looking into the historic facts or the ideology of their leaders, our country, our freedom will be lost.

A history book doesn't do us any good unless it is opened, read and understood.

America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”

Abraham Lincoln

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