We The People

We The People

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

October 5, 2016

War on Truth

By Tammy Derouin

Truth and logic are no longer part of the political equation.  For the Left, they have become pesky, annoying inconvenient truths.  When the facts don’t add up in their favor or when the truth threatens their agenda, an all-out war gets underway.

We now live in a world where the desired outcome is predetermined.  Actions and deeds play out as if they were scripted.  The truth is no longer relevant.  In fact, if the truth does manage to find its way to the surface, a political task force rushes to the scene, destroys the evidence, scrubs and sanitizes the damning mess and resets the scene to their liking.  Media outlets all across the nation are ready to redirect our attention while a new reality is under construction.
There once was a time when you could rely on the truth to set the record straight.  Justice is dependent upon truth.  When it’s revealed but ignored, justice does not exist.  Our government has repeatedly ignored the truth and has sought to conceal it. The war on truth is a continuous, tiresome battle for the Left.  They are fully aware that facts will destroy them, which is why they attack so feverishly. Their existence is depended upon lies and uninformed constituents.

The lack of concern for the crimes of our current administration is disgraceful.  Perhaps there would be much more concern if more Americans understood and were more informed.   But, that would require a free and independent press.  The Left, however, seized control of our press during the early years of the Obama reign.  Destroying freedom and liberty proved to be much easier than most would have anticipated.

Even if all the blame could be put entirely on the press, with no personal responsibility for individuals to seek out the truth, what excuse does Congress have to offer?   What about the Supreme Court, what is their excuse?  The American people have been betrayed by those who were entrusted to protect our freedoms and our homeland.  But, we are not faultless.  Our lack of attention has turned a much needed flame, which was once contained and controlled into a raging, out of control inferno.

Corruption has penetrated each branch of government.  Every department, at every level, has overreached its authority.  Those who try to reign in tyranny and attempt to make the administration accountable for their unlawful acts are met with much opposition.  Those in government, who seek to hide the truth and those who blindly accept the propaganda, have formed an alliance.  If more Americans really knew what was happening, despite political lines, we would stand a much better chance of recovering our nation.

Americans still believe in the founding ideals of our nation.  It is so evident because every time someone is wronged, their rights as an American are demanded.  The political extremist of the Left, the ones who wish to completely transform our nation into something it was never meant to be, use our freedoms to advance their political agenda.  Once they’ve obtained their goal, they will abolish our freedoms.  Our rights and our existence as the United States, land of the free, will cease to exist.

Each week more corruption comes to light.  The crimes against the American people, by this administration continue.  When the news breaks about yet another scandal it is no longer shocking, it’s expected.  How will the administration disgrace the country this week?

I grew up in a world when honesty and integrity were valued.  Our society used to have standards.  Everyone, regardless of income level, political views or career choice, was accountable for their actions.  Lying, cheating and stealing were once deplorable qualities.  In today’s world they get you elevated to our highest office.

We don’t value much of anything anymore.  Truth and justice are spun into fanciful stories to justify lying, cheating and stealing to promote an even bigger heist; your country and your freedom.

It has become painfully apparent that we have been losing control of our government for the past eight years.  It has become even more apparent that our system of checks and balances has been corrupted.  Each and every department of the U.S. government is succumbing to the very same evil which has already contaminated the branches of our government.

When every branch and every department of our government bows to the wishes of one entity, in this case the executive, we are no longer free.  We have created tyranny.

“Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force; like fire, a troublesome servant and a fearful master.  Never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action.”

George Washington

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