We The People

We The People

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

 Fierce Loyalty

By Tammy Derouin

One reason our country has taken such a downward turn is that we allowed our history to slip away.  The American educational system began to disregard the importance of our existence.  This is so abundantly clear when today’s students cannot answer the most basic questions on American History.

Why did it become necessary for the colonist to sever their ties with an oppressive form of governance?  When did events take place which set us on our path to freedom?  What documents declare and protect our rights?  What personal sacrifices had to be made to guarantee our God given rights for future generations?  Why have we allowed such sacred gifts, our personal freedom, to slip away?

Our government is on a mission to destroy our freedom and to enslave us as a nation.  Our government has become the enemy of the American people.  Because we have forgotten and neglected to teach the importance of our history, we have veered way off course.  The powers that be have found a way to let the citizens themselves, destroy their very own freedom.  They are encouraging the destructive path which will eventually lead to our future prison. When history isn’t known or understood, you begin to self-inflict the very wounds which will eventually destroy you.  You become your own worst enemy. 

We take pride in the things that are important to us and instill that pride in our children.  Before you can have pride in something, you have to be taught to understand their value.  Some things are trivial.  The outcome of a game will not have a direct impact on life.  The loss of country, however, will have a devastating impact on everyone’s life.

Perhaps the largest groups, these days, of acceptable pride is with schools, teams and professional sports.  High school days may not have been perfect but there is a certain amount of pride you take with you for the rest of your life.  People argue and defend university colors, seemingly to the death.  What determines such fierce loyalty, especially for those who have no direct connection?  What draws us to certain sports teams and players?  Not one of these entities is perfect.  They all have flaws, yet we defend and support them unconditionally.  To disrespect the colors or numbers of an opposing team, let alone your very own team, can be viewed as a declaration of war. 

We are a product of our own history.  We take pride in our past, our accomplishments and what landed us where we are today.  Your personal history, whether it can be documented for generations or it’s your own personal experiences, should be used as a guide to help make the best decisions for your future. No one wants to repeat mistakes.

It is difficult to have pride in something if you haven’t been educated on its importance.  Our American history is important.  It explains why we have our rights, rights which do not exist in the rest of the world.  Freedom isn’t free, it comes with responsibilities. Our country isn’t perfect but it gives you a voice and the ability to make your voice heard.  Why would you disrespect the very symbols of your rights, of your voice?

There are reasons we stand for the Pledge of Allegiance and the National Anthem.  There are reasons we illuminate the flag at night and never let it touch the ground. When we begin to dismiss disrespectful behavior, we are chipping away at our foundation. We are destroying ourselves from within.  Ask yourself, why is the government encouraging anti-American behavior?  It’s all about control.  The American people are being used to destroy themselves.

We take it personally when outside forces make attempts to demean the source of our pride or try to minimize the importance of something we cherish.  Why has it become acceptable to disrespect the U.S. and the symbols which represent our freedom?  We need to take it personally when outside forces, foreign or domestic, attempt to diminish the importance of the United States and our freedoms. 

Ignorance is not bliss; it is the path to destruction.  If we had a better understanding of our history, we wouldn’t allow ourselves to make suicidal decisions.  Freedom comes with responsibility.  If we do not take pride in our home, or defend and protect our home, which secures and protects everything we cherish, including personal preferences, we will lose it all. The freedoms which are abused today will be lost tomorrow.  Individual rights and freedoms will cease to exist.  

“If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.”

Thomas Jefferson

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