April 20, 2016
Guidance Policy
By Tammy Derouin
It’s good to see that more of the underhanded tactics of our
government have come to light over the past couple of weeks. Of course, if the press was still free and independent,
we would have known about this a long time ago. But then again, if we still had
a free press which acted like the government watch dog they used to be, would
we be dealing with all the scandalous activity which has taken place in the current
administration? Would we be dealing with
the outrageous absurdities of the Left?
Have we completely lost our minds?
The Left will apparently stop at nothing. Politics aside, this is just plain wrong. Those on social media have been weighing in
quite heavily on this issue. Fathers and husbands are not happy. Women are deeply concerned. Just suggest the idea to an adolescent and
see how far you get. Talk about sincere
honesty; they’ll tell you the idea is stupid in no uncertain terms. Of course, they are shocked that such a thing
would even be suggested. After a moment
fear settles in as they consider the possibility. You can see the concern in their
Seriously, does the Michigan State Board of Education really believe
that’s its fine to allow individuals who identify with the opposite sex, but
are not that sex, into the restroom of their choice? Males, who identify themselves as females, at
any age, could use the girl’s restroom.
Our children, our society is at high risk. Are we still enjoying the fundamental transformation
of America?
The guidance policy states: “The
responsibility for determining a student’s gender identity rests with the
student. Outside confirmation from medical
health professionals, or documentation of legal changes, is not needed.” It is suggested that concerns should be
addressed case-by-case. It should be a
student-centered approach but it was the “parent/guardian, as appropriate”
wording that caused concern. “As
appropriate,” what could possibly go wrong with that wording?
Our gender is predetermined.
We are born with either a XX chromosome, which identifies a female or a
XY chromosome, which identifies a male.
Changing ones appearance doesn’t change your biological makeup. Individuals who truly have a gender
identification issue need help and should get help. Opening
restrooms to anyone and everyone is a disaster waiting in the stalls.
Michigan, much like every other state in this once great union, is
feeling the consequences of the Obama Administration’s overreach of power. School districts all over the United States
are being held hostage. They either give
in to the society-destroying agenda of the Left, or they lose the funding of
the federal government. I know how I
would vote. Schools should have control
of education and policy at the local level.
The Left has forced its agenda into a national school system. Whether
the school districts across the country and their employees agree or disagree
with the federal government, it’s now their job to indoctrinate our children.
Just like Common Core and the data collecting of our children, we
are just supposed to accept it. Some
teachers utter the words Common Core without hesitation. Maybe the matter of fact attitude is a
defense mechanism. If they act like
Common Core isn’t destroying the educational learning experience of our
children, maybe they won’t be questioned and forced to defend it.
I often wonder if the teachers are silently screaming inside. How are teachers or administrators supposed
to go up against the power of their union? I have a difficult time believing
that they are all willingly falling in lock step with the progressive Left. Who do they go to with their concerns? Fear keeps people in line; fear of losing
your job, fear of being singled out, mocked and belittled.
The Michigan Department of Education could be finalizing the guidance
policy in the near future. If you would
like to weigh in or check out the guidance policy for yourself, go to www.everyvoicecountsmi.org
The fundamental transformation of America, as promised, is taking
place. We are witnessing the decline of the American way of life. We took our freedoms and liberties for
granted, which allowed tyranny to take root and grab hold of our nation.
“Liberty may be endangered by the abuse of liberty, but also by the
abuse of power.”
James Madison
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