We The People

We The People

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

America Awakens

By Tammy Derouin

I had the pleasure of revisiting a memory of my youth this past weekend.   I was several months late in watching The Force Awakens.  I had my reasons, both controllable and uncontrollable.  Understanding how the forces of the dark side operate in your own life allows you to deflect and survive attacks.  A Higher Power is in control.  I’m grateful for the knowledge and the ability I’ve gained to be able to deal with such struggles and battles.

I was eight years old when I saw the first STAR WARS movie, A New Hope.  The special effects combined with the classic tale of good versus evil were captivating.  I was hooked.  Of course, back in the days of my youth, our lives seemed a lot more secure. The original trilogy came out during a time when the United States was great.  Did we ever think our government would intentionally lower our defenses, making us vulnerable to attack or undermine our foundation as a Republic?

When the next three STAR WARS movies were released, we were entertained, prequel style, as to what led to the fall of the old Republic.  We learned about events that would allow the right conditions for evil to take hold and grow.  We then watched in disbelief as freedom was handed over to an all-powerful centralized government. Freedom was ushered into darkness, escorted by thunderous applause.  It was an excellent example of how tyranny creeps its way into our lives and one which has played out many times over throughout history.

As I watched the latest struggle in a galaxy far, far, away, I noticed how the similarities to real life were undeniable.  The chilling scene, to once again, put an end to the Republic were reminiscent to scenes right out of the Third Reich.  Of course, there were many examples of the destructive power and the evil deeds of this autocracy, or the First Order.  

We identify evil on the silver screen, the television and every video game available.  We understand why evil is evil and that it must be destroyed.    So why do so many cheer when evil is identified and destroyed in the land of make-believe but miss the same signs and vote it into power in real life?

We have a real life crises taking place in our Republic.  By not enforcing or simply dismissing our Constitution, we are creating tyranny.  The Executive has caused much harm because we have allowed him to abuse his limited, restricted power.  Because our elected officials have refused to reign in a run away, power hungry, corrupt individual, we now have an executive who is fundamentally changing the presidency into a dictatorship.  Are our elected officials a part of the problem or are they terrified and acting, or not acting out of fear?  Either way, it doesn’t end well for the population. 

I grew up during the last couple decades of the Cold War.  We learned about the events which led to the arms race between the United States and the Soviet Union.  We were taught why limited government, freedom and independence were the reason the United States was an exceptional nation.  The United States was the beacon of hope, the land of opportunity and the reason so many risked everything to escape the evils of oppressive governments; the dark side.

The Left continues to use Europe as the example America should follow.  Up until the current administration, the United States followed no one.  The socialist policies of Europe have had disastrous consequences, yet the American Democratic Party wants to implement them here.  Europe has also embraced an ignorance of reality and denial of the truth. This is leading to the willful destruction of their countries.  They are allowing their enemies to destroy them with the blessing of their very own governments.  The Left is trying to promote the same ignorance and denial of the truth in the United States.

We are standing on a precipice with two options. We can take that final step and fall into the darkness of the abyss or we can step back and pray for the guidance and the courage we need to regain control of our country.  We can still save ourselves and turn our country around but only if America Awakens.

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.  We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream.  It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.”

Ronald Reagan

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