We The People

We The People

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

November 25, 2015

The Awakening Process

By Tammy Derouin

The deep, utter hatred and contempt the executive has for our country should be completely evident at this point.  It’s has always been there but it is difficult to comprehend that an American president would consciously betray and destroy our country.  The awakening process is extremely difficult but the sooner more people realize what is truly happening, the sooner we will be able to pull ourselves off this fast track to hell. 

Americans didn’t go to the voting booth with the intention of destroying our country and our way of life.  Unfortunately, the progressive movement did.  They have been chipping away at our fundamental beliefs and God given rights for some time.  They have captured our youth and have begun the indoctrination process.  A pen and a phone eliminate the obstacles, the Constitution be damned!  Executive Orders have been used to transform our nation.  A spineless Congress and judicial system have fallen in lock step because they fear the executive. 

Although he can’t even utter the words, it’s becoming more and more difficult for the executive to conceal the truth about Radical Islam.  Radical Islam has declared war but the Left guilts and manipulates people by playing on their emotions.  They know Americans don’t want to be known for turning people away so they fling insults in an attempt to bully us into submission. 

Would anyone open their home to individuals who stand at their property line yelling death to the home owner?  Would you roll out the welcome mat and give them complete access to your home, family and everything you cherish and value, as they graphically describe how they intend to harm you and your loved ones?

Immediate action would be taken to guard and defend your home.  No one would be allowed in unless they went through a rigorous background check.  If anyone inside your household was discovered giving aid and comfort to the enemy, an act of treason, the individual(s) would be removed and dealt with accordingly. 

When an individual(s) takes an oath to uphold the law of the land and the people who occupy the homeland, and then completely turns on them while aiding the enemy, that’s treason.  When the occupants of the home refuse to remove such an individual, it’s not only stupidity, its suicide.

Some in Congress are beginning to see red flags, but will there be enough time to turn our dire situation around?  The executive is using playground bullying tactics to get his way.  He foolishly states that the GOP is scared of women and children.  First of all, that’s not what the majority of these so called refugees represent.  Second, if anyone of them, man, woman or child has the potential of strapping on a bomb or gunning down American citizens, you bet, it would be insane to not be afraid and to not question the intentions of the leader of our nation.

The executive and his progressive minions argue that immigrants have been welcomed to our shores throughout our history.  This is very true, but there is a difference.  Immigrants of the past embraced our culture.  They wanted to become Americans.  They didn’t shout death to America.  They didn’t seek to destroy our country and our way of life.  Radical Islamists openly state their intentions.  They wish to bring their barbaric ways and beliefs to our shores. Look at Europe and the turmoil that has been caused by the same failed policies the executive is trying to force on us.

Radical Islam cannot coexist with any other culture or religion.  They have no tolerance for those who are not like them.  Their hatred toward the non-Islamic world is so great; they feel it’s their duty to kill those who do not convert.  Their views toward women, children and homosexuals are nothing short of cruelty, abuse and murder.

It absolutely amazes me that feminists and homosexuals support this administration.  Do they really think this executive, his administration or party, will defend them?  Have they not seen how these groups are treated?  If they think the executive or the party is going to protect them, they haven’t been paying attention.   

This is why it is so important to remain a nation of laws and not become a nation of men.  When you live in a nation of men, laws change, benefiting the men who rule.  You may have their favor today but tomorrow you may realize you were just a tool; a means to an end.  When a tool is no longer needed it is discarded. 

Radical Islam has a mission; to create a worldwide caliphate and to rule the world.  It never ends well when an individual or a group of people decide they are capable of world domination.  The proof is in the history books.

“I made clear that America is not – and never will be – at war with Islam.”

Barack Hussein Obama 

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