We The People

We The People

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

A Socialist Halloween

By Tammy Derouin

I so enjoy watching a civics lesson take place.  The true and honest questions and answers of children are only topped by the realization that someone is trying to con them.  The first reaction is a combination look.  You have to watch closely because as soon as you see the proverbial light bulb look of understanding hit their face, it is quickly replaced by the deer in the headlight look of surprise and confusion. As the wheels of logic and common sense grind together, the Yosemite Sam reaction takes over; my personal favorite.    

It’s an uphill battle, trying to counter this backward thinking government of ours.  They push their agenda by manufacturing opposite logic to transform our nation. The unions, the school system, entitlement pushers and the low information crowd are the minions who distribute the propaganda of opposite world.  

Even their name, Progressive, is quite the opposite.  Under this administration, forward means backwards.  Insured means uninsured.  A tax means a fine or a fine is a tax depending which way the wind is blowing.  Security means unprotected.  Enemy means friend.  Scandal means fairy tale.  Strong economy means verge of collapse.  Truth means false and false means truth.  Legislature means Executive.  Judicial means Executive.  President means dictator; any questions?

So begins the tale of A Socialist Halloween.  Grab your candy and hold on tight.  If you value what is rightfully yours, you will pay close attention to the candy ghouls.  They appear as friendly, logical thinking individuals.  Everyone is happy when you spread the candy around, right? 

Your candy doesn’t really belong to you.  Everything you earned belongs to the ghoulish state.  All candy must be dumped into a community bowl for redistribution.  The candy ghouls take their cut before redistribution begins.  Do you know what that means?  First, they will inform you that you need to give even more because after their cut, there will not be enough to go around.  Second, all the prized candy will be gone.  You will be left Dum Dums.  Does the wrapper fit?  It’s only going to get tighter.    

You will also be assured that the candy is protected.  Of course, it’s the ghouls who are protecting it.  It’s as secure as our borders!  Oh, by the way, the candy will also be distributed to non-community and non-contributing members who only showed up for the candy you provide. They will demand more and tensions may rise.  But have no fear; you are in pillage free candy zone.   

The candy ghouls know what’s best, just ask them.  They say the needs of the many are more important than individual needs.  They protect and care for outsiders, even the candy thieves, before they consider the needs of the able candy suppliers.  They only want what you provide.  You will be discarded when you are no longer useful.  Are you scared yet?  You will be; candy is only their first conquest. 

Once you begin to fall for the sweet taste of opposite world, you will discover that freedom means enslavement.  Justice means injustice. Truth means lying.  The wrapper gets tighter as reality sinks in and the realization of what we surrendered takes hold.

I’ve explained the injustice of redistribution of wealth and the rewards of capitalism to my girls.  I’ve used Halloween candy and school grades as examples of how redistribution of wealth does not work. They understood immediately that it’s wrong.  They would be robbed of their candy or their good grades.   Over time, everyone would end up equally poor and stupid. 

Several years ago, I left an opposite world.  Periodically, I’m hit with attacks but my shields deflect the flak.  My defenses are much stronger and I’ve reinforced my borders.   I, unlike the current administration, do not want the enemy to enter my territory.  But, I digress.

This year, my girls will be away for Halloween.  I witnessed the light bulb, followed by the deer in the headlights and Yosemite Sam reactions as I was informed there will be a community bowl for their Halloween candy.  After I composed myself, I heard the familiar complaints. It’s not fair; we get it and they take it away?  Sometimes we get to pick what we want; now we have to give it up?  What if the candy I wanted comes up missing?  It’s not protected!  Anyone can take it, even if they didn’t go out and get it! It sounds like a socialist Halloween! But, they already knew it.

Capitalism will be waiting upon their return.  As their candy in the community bowl goes unprotected and pillaged, individual pumpkin heads will be filled with the good stuff.  No Dumb Dumbs in my world.

“History will record with the greatest astonishment that those who had the most to lose, did the least to prevent its happening.”

Ronald Reagan

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