We The People

We The People

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

July 22, 2015


By Tammy Derouin

The word sabotage has come to mind countless times over the past seven years.  How and why did we elect someone who was so determined to destroy our country?   So many signs were available, but they went unnoticed. 

Prior to his first election, the executive was working against the American people.  His anti-American beliefs were well established before he landed on the national stage.  His books and the occasional video clip from the past of him expressing his beliefs, drip with incriminating evidence.  Where was the press?  Why did someone who promised transparency hide so much of his very own history?

The press, unbeknownst to most, had already begun its transformation as a lackey for the ruling party. The press went from uncovering evidence and exposing corruption to burying it as deep as they possibly could.  They went from seeking and fighting for the truth, to turning tail and running scared.  I can almost envision them playing Hot Potato with pesky facts when they became too obvious to ignore.

I can see the newsroom.  Alarms sound as red lights flash.  The lackeys on duty run around in a panic. It’s a fact!  It’s a fact!  Take it!  Get it away from me!  I don’t want anything to do with it!  Then the reality kicks in.  Because the alarms sounded, the boss is on the way.  Antacids are devoured like candy as sweat appears on every forehead and through every shirt.   Conversations on how to deceive the American people and protect the party consume every moment as a new reality is created.  The transparency thickens as facts become fiction and fiction becomes facts.

Anyone who has been paying even the slightest bit of attention should know the routine of the ruling party.  When it comes to inconvenient facts, you kill and bury them.  You then look directly into the eyes of the American people and lie.  Should those facts rise up, you knock them back down while mocking those who caught you red handed.  An all-out blitzkrieg is launched on an individual who dares to ask questions.  Silly citizen, he thought we were still free!  He thought he should inquire when something doesn’t make sense.  

If the blitzkrieg of ridicule doesn’t stop the facts from reappearing, the party embraces the facts; no matter how bloody they have been beaten.  They are washed and sanitized to the point that the original facts are no longer recognizable.  This makes the spinning process a little easier. A new reality is created.  It’s so much easier to sell something new and shiny than old, bruised and bloody.

The American people went from being informed to being drip fed propaganda.  Most didn’t realize what had happened.  Many still feel they can trust main stream media.  The more we accepted their deception, the easier it became for them to manufacture and sell us more lies.  The population accepts their offering because we no longer taste the vile ingredients.  The poison has been given a distracting fruity flavor.  Enjoy!

Would neon signs spelling out the executives lack of love for our Christian principles, which this nation was founded on, as well as his anti-American sentiments, would that have helped to get the attention of more Americans?  The signs have only multiplied since his first election but what did we do?  We cheered and supported his mission to destroy our country for another term.  Not only were abuses of power being spelled out but directional signs were added.  We were being told more directly what he was going to do, despite Constitutional restraints.  We allowed the other branches to bow to his agenda.  We allowed our representation and those trusted to follow the law of the land to become party tools.

The word sabotage has come to mind countless times over the past seven years.  So many signs were available, but they went unnoticed.  With so many blinders securely in place, it’s not as perplexing to understand how and why we elected someone so eager to destroy us. Shame on us, we did this to ourselves.  We allowed the best country in the world to fall victim to tactics used by power hungry individuals who want to rule the world with an iron fist.  We, as a nation do not know or understand the importance of history.

The signs are out there, waiting, begging to be read so our suicidal course can be altered.  We must rein in our government before we follow the same fate of many other successful and prosperous nations which collapsed due to neglect. 

“But a Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored.  Liberty, once lost, is lost forever.”

John Adams

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