We The People

We The People

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

An Asterisk

By Tammy Derouin

The internal assault on the United States continues.  The current administration and many in Congress are working hard to destroy our country.  There aren’t enough hours in the day to keep up with all the corruption.  Did you ever think you would look back on the Nixon era and long for the good old days?

We have a runaway government.  How much more proof is needed?  I never thought Americans would become targets of their own government.  The reasons this administration has targeted individuals is appalling.  When the government abuses its power by attacking those who disagree with their ideology, freedom begins to vanish.  Government intimidation and harassment doesn’t end at the party line.  Those who think they are safe because they are currently under the protective shield of the ruling party have a rude awakening coming. 

It’s disgraceful that the other branches have allowed the abuse of power to get to this point.  It shouldn’t matter which side of the aisle our Congressmen are located, when there is an over reach of power, it’s their responsibility to check the abuse and restore the balance.  Those who are part of the targeting today could easily become the target tomorrow.  In a land without freedom, the individual becomes a dispensable tool.  If you don’t perform to the satisfaction of the ruler, you’re eliminated.  The next ambitious party member moves up the curved ladder.

The American people are also to blame for our current condition.  We haven’t done a very good job of holding our elected representation accountable for their actions.  If we had, we wouldn’t have a president who acts more like an emperor.  Our emperor likes to taunt us by daring us to sue him if we don’t like his actions.  This proves how confident he is in acting alone.  He no longer fears the law because he is the law.
Many have bought into the idea that it’s the government’s responsibility to provide all of our basic needs.  This concept is welcomed by the government because it gives them all the power they need.  When the government decides your every move, freedom no longer exists.

I never thought Americans would turn so sharply on each other.  But what did we expect?  We elected a man who has some serious issues with our Constitution; the fact that it still exists for starters.  Instead of using his elected power to unite this nation, he has created a great divide.  This divide covers every aspect of our lives.  Every freedom, every God given right is under attack.  Fear is the weapon of choice.  Fear alters our behavior.  Political correctness is derived out of fear.   We begin to rethink our words or actions because it could be interpreted as racist or insensitive.  Meanwhile, those words we’ve been conditioned not to say, well they’re actually crossing our border, infiltrating our government and destroying our nation.

It absolutely amazes me how the left gets away with so much hypocrisy.  They have the freedom to tell their side of any given situation, but if anybody tells a different story, freedom of speech must be restrained.  They have the freedom to believe anything they want, even if it’s completely transparent that it’s untrue.  It’s their right.  However, if someone should dare to questions them, or have proof of their deceit, the gates of hell are unleashed.  Lying has become as easy as breathing.  Accepting the lies has become as easy as reaching for another piece of chocolate.  

I wonder what will be said about the United States in future history books.  Will we be mentioned at all?  How much of our past will have been completely re-written?  How much of the present transformation will be twisted and falsified?  Will it say the majority of the people really wanted to give up their freedom to be enslaved by the state? 

Perhaps there will simply be an asterisk next to the United States.  Maybe it will state that we were once the freest nation in the world but due to lack of interest and the difficulty of living independently, we opted out of responsibility.
*For over 200 years, the American people pursued their own dreams.   They were self-reliant individuals who lived freely and charted their own course.  One day they were told they couldn’t do it on their own.  These independent thinking people eventually turned on themselves when it became easier to take.  Taking from the government, led to demanding.  Demanding led to the inability to be independent which cost them their freedom.  The very concept they so valiantly fought to free themselves from, was willingly invited back into their land.  They turned back the hands of time, and freely walked into darkness. 

No, we probably won’t be mentioned.  It would only give future generations hope.  

“America will never be destroyed from the outside.  If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”

Abraham Lincoln


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