We The People

We The People

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Iron Fist
By Tammy Derouin

The progressives don’t see entitlements, Obamacare, and Common Core as a problem.  They see it as a means to an end.  They know their history.  By making life miserable, people will cry out for help, for a solution.  The solution is ready and waiting.  All you have to do is ask.

Entitlements are destroying the American spirit.  Socialism is gaining popularity because those in power have used free stuff as their bait.  The more the progressives promise something for nothing, the more votes they receive and the more elections they win; their means to their desired ends.  The rich are demonized.  The progressives are creating a class war between the rich and the poor.  Instead of encouraging people to be successful, they are told they can’t do it on their own.  The government has legalized theft in the name of the poor.  I wonder what will happen when the government has nobody to burglarize.  Those who are successful and rich but tow the party line are the exception, the elite.  Redistribution of wealth is not the American way.  
Common Core will turn our children into government stooges who won’t be able to think for themselves.  Our children will willingly accept the government issued answer on everything.  Simple math is a thing of the past.  They won’t be able to read or write cursive so there goes any hope of reading our Declaration of Independence or our Constitution.  Climate change and evolution will be fact because the curriculum says it’s true.  The “president” will be all powerful because they won’t be able to read the Constitution, should it still exist.

Mark Twain School in Sacramento, California, suspended a mother because of her anti-Common Core beliefs.  Police came to her door and issued a 14-day suspension following a disagreement with her son’s school over Common Core standards.  Please look it up for yourself.  Her son took it upon himself to distribute opt-out forms to other students.  The school confiscated the forms calling them “inappropriate materials.”  The mother, Katherine Duran, has been threatened with arrest should she violate her suspension.  The district will also seek reimbursement for attorney costs the court may impose.  Common Core is here, it’s in our schools.  The government wants complete control of our children.  If you voice concern, you receive the iron fist. 
Obamacare isn’t about health insurance, it’s about control.  Progressives want a single payer system.  Is there a better means to an end?  Create a disaster and let the people beg for relief.  The executive will swoop in and save the day.  Progressives will get what they want, a single payer system and much more control.  The American people will get Obamacare; a health care plan that will be tailored to fit the will of the ruling party. 

The Party Plan!  It may go something like this.  All rules and regulations are subject to change without notice.  Medical care is not guaranteed, implied or promised.  An administrator will evaluate your condition.  He alone will decide if medical attention is required.  Do not seek the advice of a physician on your own.  Physicians no longer have the authority to think or act without the written consent of an administrator.  Please do not ask an administrator to perform any type of medical treatment.  Administrators are not physicians, they just think for them.  Failure to follow these guidelines will result in non-treatment.  You may also be released from your current plan which will result in a fine, a tax and possible imprisonment.  The government knows who you are, where you live and what you are doing.   Don’t run!  It could result in an injury, which could lead to your need for further medical treatment.  As always, political views and party loyalty will determine the quality of your care, should you actually comply with the medical request requirement standards.  Have an Obamacare’s Day! 
If this were simply an avenue to help those who didn’t have insurance, get insurance, why have so many lost their insurance?  The government now decides if your health insurance meets their standards, who will be affected, when it will take effect and what will be covered.  The government, the Executive, has become the iron fist. 

Good ideas don’t need deceit to sell them.  Ask yourself, if entitlements, Obamacare, and Common Core are such wonderful plans, why weren’t they visible to the American people?  Such good ideas should have been transparent.  Instead they were hidden in unmarked boxcars, loaded on a freight train and delivered at top speed.  Train wrecks are taking place all over our country. Those in charge of the train wrecks deny the problems they’ve created.  The executive and his administration openly lie to the American people.  Yes, they can!  Just lean forward, they’ll do the rest.

“Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.”

Vladimir Lenin

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