We The People

We The People

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Bait and Switch

By Tammy Derouin

We live in a transformed country.  Our values and way of life are under attack.  If a disease invades an individual, that person goes into overdrive to save himself.  You don’t feed the invader and make it stronger.  That would be insane.  You weaken it and put it in the crosshairs.  You destroy it. The desire to live really kicks in and becomes the focus.  It doesn’t matter if the treatment is risky.  If it means surviving, it’s worth the risk.  What do you have to lose?

Why is it so different for our country?  A once healthy and prosperous nation has been weakened by a life threatening disease.  For too many years we ignored the symptoms.  Years of neglect has taken its toll.  We were warned by other countries not to follow their path.  Did we listen?  We had so many examples of what would happen if we allowed the government to have too much power.  Did we learn? 

How did we end up on life support?  Greedy, power hungry individuals with an unhealthy desire to control others studied history.  Progressives have masked themselves as friends of the poor and those with special interest.  Any group of people who has a cause which could lead to more government control, they’ll befriend.  They’ve even been known to just up and change their mind on views and issues; bait and switch.
Government assistance enslaves people.  What began as temporary assistance has become an entitlement.  The more the government gives away, the more control it receives.  People begin to believe they can’t help themselves.  They feel they need the government to support them. 

How many years did progressives run the City of Detroit?  Look what happened.  A once healthy and prosperous city has fallen victim to the bling of government assistance at all levels.  It only made the problem worse.  The city went from healthy, to sick, to life support.  Now the fed wants to bail out Detroit, using the same medicine that made it sick in the first place. 

Ideals can also fall victim to failure.  Progressives like to cling to their science and mathematics like Christians cling to their God and guns.  When are they going to figure out that certain ideas don’t work?  No matter how many times history has proven that socialism and communism doesn’t work, they keep trying.  I guess they have faith.  This time they’ll get it right or so they say.  Isn’t faith the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen?  I mean if the math doesn’t add up, the science is fuzzy and history paints a pretty dismal picture, yet you still believe, that’s faith.  I wonder if they know where that ideal originated.

I find it interesting that progressives are pro-choice on every issue unless you disagree with them.  To disagree with their choice makes you guilty of something.  If you are not pro-choice on the “fetus” issue you are now anti-women.  If a woman chooses to stay home and raise her children, she has somehow turned back the hands of time and has betrayed all females.  If you choose to be a Christian in our Christian nation, you are an extremist.  If you choose to own a gun because it’s your God given right, you are a radical.  If you choose to believe that marriage is between a man and a woman you are homophobic and full of hate.  If you choose to distrust and not blindly accept everything the government feeds you, you are a radical extremist who has become a government target.

I also find it interesting that our Executive has not only stated that we are no longer a Christian nation, but he has befriended anti-Christian enemies of the United States.  He has waged war on American Christians and their beliefs, mocking and insulting them.  His friends, our enemies, want to destroy America.  This isn’t a secret they try to hide.  He has befriended groups and causes such as women’s issues and gay rights.  Does anybody else find it disturbing that these vote getting groups are not tolerated by our enemies, the Executive’s friends?  The Executive is familiar with bait and switch.  It has worked so well for him in the past, why stop now?

Our country has been invaded with a life threatening disease and the Executive feeds it, making it stronger.  He has intentionally weakened our nation and allowed the disease to spread.  Such insane behavior should be checked.  The desire to live free will kick in and become the focus.  Will surviving and living free be worth the  inevitable risk?  What will you have to lose?

“We can’t expect the American people to jump from capitalism to communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving them small doses of socialism, until they awaken one day to find that they have communism.”

Nikita Khrushchev

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