We The People

We The People

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

October 9, 2013
Too Much Sugar
By Tammy Derouin
Decisions have consequences.   I’m finding more and more people are making decisions armed with blinders instead of facts.  Blinders will keep a horse focused, especially when going through difficult and dangerous terrain.  When people wear blinders, they’re asking to be lead.  They’ve given up control, trusting someone else to make decisions for them. 
Blinders keep our eyes down.  Sugar cubes keep us from wanting to look up.  We no longer desire the truth.  The climate and terrain has changed.  Our control is gone.  We’re too addicted to the sugar cubes and too weak to confront our handlers.  Those in power have shifted from nudging us down a path, to shoving us off a cliff.  The sweetness of the sugar and the pretty path they painted, disappear immediately upon impact. 
After such an impact, isn’t it good to know the progressives have your back?  It’s in pieces but they have it.  They have it because they own you.  They own you because you gave up control of your life.  You handed the reins to the Utopian pushers.  They got you hooked on the high that the government was responsible for you.  All it cost them was some worthless trinkets.  It cost you your life, your liberty and how you determine to pursue your happiness.
Welcome to the Fundamental Transformation of America!  The welcome manual hasn’t been printed just yet.  Actually, there’s no plan to print one because rules and regulations are subject to change without notice.  You however, are expected to know when, where, how and why.  Although the “why” is because they said so.  Don’t even think about asking questions.  As long as you are living in their country, you will live by their rules.  Freedom is for those who can keep it, not give it up for a little safety and security.
Our current manual is battered, bruised and almost obsolete.  It’s only hanging on because we haven’t completely closed our eyes. Some are beginning to realize the sugar isn’t all that sweet.  The lies have turned clarity into hazardous, murky waters.
Our Constitution empowers the people through freedom.  The people limit the government which is what made us an exceptional nation.  What happens when the people don’t know the original version of the Constitution?  What happens when mistakes are made verbally or in text books?  
Unfortunately, there are examples.  Text books have been discovered with inaccurate information regarding the Bill of Rights.  One was discovered in Denton, Texas.  The Second Amendment, according to the text book states, “The people have the right to keep and bear arms in a state militia.”  The Constitution states, “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”  There’s a pretty big difference between the two.  When you are wearing blinders the government is able to nudge and shove you in the direction it wants you to go.
A text book in South Carolina combined the Second and Third Amendment stating that it, “-grant citizens the right to bear arms as members of a militia of citizen-soldiers and prevent the government from housing troops in private homes in peacetime.”  The Second Amendment is still gravely inaccurate.  The Third Amendment does indeed protect against the quartering of soldiers.  By linking them together it implies they are connected.  These weren’t the only amendments that were modified. 
Nancy Pelosi is following in the footsteps of her boss by amending founding documents.  In a statement regarding the government shut-down, she referred to the Affordable Health Care Act as a dream come true.  “…that they can fully realize the promise of our founders of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, healthier life, liberty to pursue their happiness.”  Wow!  She added and reworded part of The Declaration of Independence!   Health care is not a right.
It seems like there’s an agenda here.  What would be the reason to re-write or misrepresent the Bill of Rights?  How did a butchered version of the Bill of Rights make it to print without any questions?  If questions were raised, why did it go to print?  How did Obama and Pelosi get away with amending our founding documents?
If we don’t know our history or understand the document that guarantees our freedoms, we will fall for every lie thrown at us.  Our history is being re-written. They wish to bend and mold us to their desired idealistic dream.  We are too blind to see and have too much sugar in our mouth to speak.
“Almost all the world’s constitutions are documents in which governments tell the people what their privileges are.  Our Constitution is a document in which ‘We the people’ tell the government what it is allowed to do.  ‘We the People’ are free."
Ronald Reagan

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