We The People

We The People

Thursday, October 17, 2013

October 16, 2013
Phased Out
By Tammy Derouin
How do we remain free if the population doesn’t understand the importance of our founding documents?  The Bill of Rights exists because of the Constitution.  The Constitution is a result of the Revolutionary War.  The Revolutionary War was necessary because of the Declaration of Independence.  Why did we declare our independence?  If we knew that, we wouldn’t tolerate what’s taking place in our government.    
Our founding documents are being modified with little to no outcry.  That tells me we either don’t know them or we don’t care.  If it’s a matter of not knowing, then it won’t be long before we really begin to care.  If we don’t care, it won’t be long until we really begin to wish we knew and understood them.
We’ve allowed too many mistakes to slip by without question.  It’s become dangerous to question those in power.  That used to be the American way.  If we understood American History, we would know that the government works for us.  But we’ve become afraid of our own government.  This administration is well versed in the Saul Alinsky tactic.  They ridicule, mock and belittle those who challenge them.
If rewording or misrepresenting our founding documents truly were mistakes, there would be apologies and even some embarrassment.  Neither one has taken place.  The American people are afraid to challenge authority, the very foundation of our free, exceptional existence.  Fewer and fewer people understand our history.  Without understanding our history, how can the meaning of our independence, followed by freedom, be fully understood?
After all these years, it’s plain to see Obama isn’t making mistakes.  He’s clearly going forward with an agenda.  The symbols and the way he uses words are well thought out.  He has told us his intentions.  We have been too blind and too naive to see him for his true identity out of fear of retribution.
We no longer have and we’ve willingly accepted that a free press no longer exists.  Our information has been greatly suppressed. The evidence is in the harassment of those who dare to tell the truth.  We are heading towards a one source news outlet, something like China, Russia and North Korea.  We can however, take comfort in the fact that we willingly voted in our transformation.  Remember, Hitler was elected to power by the people.
We have willingly given up so many of our rights out of fear.  Who do we fear more these days?  We fear our own government.  Why else would we allow our president to arm our enemies while he disarms the American people?  By rewording the Bill of Rights, it’s easy to convince an uninformed population that the government holds all the power.
The government run educational system is breaking away from teaching our children cursive.  Under this administration, the “loopy” version is being phased out.  It’s become too difficult.  Let me see if I understand.  Learning a foreign language is encouraged but learning to read and write English in our traditional writing form is too difficult?  Red flags anyone, anyone at all?
We communicate almost entirely in print.  If that’s all we see and know, it’s easy to make a mistake or mislead those who only know the print version.  Let’s take this a generation or so down the road.  If we stop teaching our history and why our founding was so important, we lose our foundation.  If we stop teaching cursive, eventually we will lose the ability to read our founding documents.  If you can’t read or write, you are enslaved. 
If you don’t know history, you don’t know that governments and societies withhold education from their slaves.  Reading, writing and education in general leads people out of slavery. 
Our government is enslaving us.  The educational system is a joke.  Check out Common Core for yourself.  Your school district will try to convince you it’s great.  They may even try to tell you they’ve put too much money into it to scrap it now.  Only the government can get away with such a worthless excuse.  You’ll love how they are data mining our children and keeping parents out of the curriculum.  The State owns your children.  Parents are being phased out.
The federal government strong armed each state to implement a destructive curriculum. If it’s so great, why do they hide the horrifying details?  If union members, who supported Obama, are willing to strike over Obamacare, wait until more details emerge on Common Core.  
Our future, our very existence is at stake.  Will we be the generation that let it all slip away?  The last beacon of hope has almost been extinguished.  American refugees have no place to turn.
“…when People are universally ignorant, and debauched in their Manners, they will sink under their own weight without the Aid of foreign Invaders.”
Samuel Adams



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