We The People

We The People

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

January 9, 2013
Strike Three
By Tammy Derouin
The New Year is off to a dangerous start.  After applying yet another band- aid to the economic crisis, President Obama flew back to Hawaii to resume his $4 million vacation.  Obama put the blame on Congress, big surprise, and then stated he wouldn’t debate the subject with Congress again.  Did I miss the dictatorial inaugural? Nope, that’s still a couple weeks away. 
The fiscal deal does nothing to solve the problem.  In fact, it only makes things worse.  Obama claims that he made the tax system fairer.  Only a flat tax will make the tax system equal and fair.  Obama doesn’t want fair; he wants redistribution of wealth.  The Tax Policy Center, a nonpartisan Washington research group, has stated that 77 percent of U.S. households will see higher federal taxes in 2013 under this fiscal deal.  The deal protects most from an income tax increase but the Social Security payroll tax reduction was allowed to expire.  The bill also adds about $600 billion in new tax increases.  Every $41 raised in taxes will only see $1 in cuts.  This will add $4 trillion to the federal deficit.  Well done, Mr. President.  Enjoy your vacation paid for by the taxpayers.  Strike One.
Hollywood was a big winner in the fiscal deal.  Millions in federal subsidies already flow to the city of glitter and lights but even more is on the way.  It’s estimated that it will cost the taxpayers about $150 million per year.  I hope the next time the president says, “Crony capitalism” he’s looking in a mirror.  For every finger you point, how many are pointing back at you?
There is a video circulating involving Hollywood stars pleading for something to be done about gun violence.  There is another video circulating that shows the hypocrisy of these same stars.  Every time one of them makes a plea for something to be done about gun violence, a segment of footage involving a character they portray is shown killing, massacring and in most cases, enjoying it.  The government funnels money to Hollywood.  The money is used to make films and television which usually involves gun violence.  Hollywood tears up and begs the government to step in when a killer behaves as depicted on screen.
It isn’t the gun, it’s our society.  I listened to Lt. Col. Dave Grossman (ret) this past week.  He is an expert in his field on guns and violence in society.  He states that people who do such crimes are not shooters, they are killers.  Our society has changed dramatically.  The younger generations have been exposed to violence beginning at a very young age.  Human life is no longer valued.  The more you kill, the more points you receive.  When you have gone as far as you can go, the only way out is to self-destruct.   This is not just an American problem.  This is a problem that is taking place around the world.  Some of the countries that have had similar massacres have very strict gun laws.  Main stream media isn’t providing that information. Michael Moore’s body guard was once arrested for carrying an unlicensed gun.  What Moore says and what he does are two very different things.  Don’t fool yourself, the elite will never play by the same rules. This is a control issue not a gun issue.
Lt. Col. Grossman stated, “5,000 years of recorded history.  500 years of gun powder combat.  150 years of repeating firearms.  Not one single time in the history of the world has a single juvenile ever committed a crime like this in a school and now it’s everywhere.”  What has happened with entertainment over the past 30 years?  He also stated, “The American Psychological Association, American Medical Association, and American Association of Pediatrics told both Houses of Congress, 30 years of a thousand sound studies have proven, media violence causes violence in our society.”  This isn’t a safety issue; this is all about control, gun control.  Strike Two.
The New York Times ran an article by Louis Seidman entitled, “Let’s Give Up on the Constitution.”  Much like President Obama, he is a Progressive, Leftists, and Constitutional scholar.  The Constitution was designed to prevent a dictatorship.  It was designed to keep a check and balance on each branch of government.  Our president isn’t working within the confines of the Constitution.  Congress either doesn’t know how to stop him or they don’t want to stop him.  The Constitution gives the power to the people.  The people have to figure out how to use the tool they were given.  Our government run schools aren’t teaching it.  Done by design, I’m sure.  Those images of the Constitution going up in flames or being run through the shredder are becoming more real.  Are we going to end the game and self-destruct?  Are we going to allow strike three?
“When men yield up the privilege of thinking, the last shadow of liberty quits the horizon.”
Thomas Paine

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