We The People

We The People

Monday, December 31, 2012

January 2, 2012
Self-Destruct Mode
By Tammy Derouin
The United States is in an economic crisis.  The president returned from yet another vacation to pretend he cares.  If he cared, he wouldn’t have signed an executive order granting pay increases to federal employees.  Talk about fiscal irresponsibility.  This is the same administration that says we can spend our way out of debt.  Try to convince your bank of that kind of logic.  It doesn’t work and they know it.  Obama is getting exactly what he wants.  He wants our system to collapse.   
I feel Obama harbors a true hatred towards America and all that is American.  How else would you describe his actions?  He was brought up surrounded by anti-American individuals.  His friends and those he associates with are radicals and extremists.  They were and still are anti-Americans.  How did such an individual make it to the presidency?  How did he pull the wool over the eyes of so many people?
I recently read an article that outlined some of Obama’s anti-American actions and words.  I’ve written about many of these in the past.  Individually, they are shocking.  To see a list, which was far from complete, was sobering.  It left me asking the question, how do so many people get blindsided? 
It’s amazing how people react to fiction and non-fiction so differently.  When dealing with a fictional story, people have no problem determining who the “bad guy” is.  The actions, words and the motive of an individual are plain to see.  We don’t need to be told who the criminal is or for that matter, who the hero is.  Life has taught us the difference between good and evil.  When it comes to non-fiction, people lose their common sense.  They second guess or overthink an issue instead of going with their gut feeling.  They stop thinking and allow those in power or those in the media to do their thinking for them.  It’s kind of like that couple that sits a row ahead of you at the theatre.  One is constantly explaining what is taking place to their companion.  Maybe the person has difficulty hearing.  Instead of dealing with reality and getting a hearing aid, the person has given someone else the control to interpret the story for them.  It’s easier to be led than to do the work.  By not doing the work, you have put yourself at the mercy of the intelligence or the motives of someone else. 
Let’s walk a fine line.  Not so long ago, in a land not so far away, there was a free and prosperous society. It existed because individuals believed in self-reliance.  Each person was responsible for their own well-being.  Over time, prosperity caused the people to ignore signs of decay.  Ultimately, this negligence led to an infectious disease.   It invaded their society and began to destroy them from within.  They elected leaders who had loyalties to other societies; societies that wished to destroy them.  Their enemies openly stated their intentions. The people continually voted in leaders, all the way to the highest office, that sought to destroy their home land.  They were willingly activating their own self-destruct mode. Neighboring lands couldn’t understand their actions.  
The United States is drowning in debt.  Instead of cutting off financial support to other countries, President Obama is giving Egypt twenty F-16 fighter jets.  This is just part of $450 million in aid that was promised in 2010.  Egypt is now ruled by an evil regime that has openly called for the destruction of America and Israel.  Egyptian President Morsi openly prayed in public asking Allah to destroy the Jews and their supporters.  President Morsi has been talking with Iranian President Ahmadinejad.  Ahmadinejad has stated he wants to, “wipe Israel off the face of the map” and “We don’t shy away from declaring that Islam is ready to rule the world.”  Obama indirectly funneled $20 million to Hamas and stated that the goals of Hamas are fine, so long as they are achieved “peacefully.”  He allowed Iran to acquire top secret U.S. drone technology.  Obama has made it possible to detain American citizens indefinitely without charge or trial. Meanwhile, he advocates Miranda rights for foreign terrorists.  Obama watched as Americans died in Benghazi and then blamed a video for the violence.  Obama and his administration aren’t being held accountable for their negligence.  Obama doesn’t have a problem shipping guns and war planes to the enemies of the United States.  He does however want the American people to give up their right to bear arms.  Obama is arming our enemies while trying his very best to disarm American citizens. 
Getting back to the fine line, fact is always stranger than fiction.  Believing fiction over fact is self-destructive.
“We should not forget that the spark which ignited the American Revolution was caused by the British attempt to confiscate the firearms of the colonists.”
Patrick Henry

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